When Life Is Disappointing

Where do you go?

The greatest difficulties you will face are not tragic endings, but rather how to move forward when the days are quite disappointing.

It happens just after a life-altering event; the honeymoon or once a newborn is home from the hospital. It can occur after the diploma, a new job or promotion. Even after you place all your hopes in Jesus, you can still be left feeling disappointed with the result.

When Jesus died on that cross, sudden darkness fell on the whole land during the brightest part of the day. The sound of thick linen tearing probably sent shock waves through the city, as a curtain that once separated man from God was torn. The voice of Jesus split rocks. The earth groaned in violent agony. The ground trembled.

It was an epic power outage.

Then Saturday came and things were quiet. Sunday arrived and it was as if life went back to normal for Jerusalem. There were rumors that Jesus’ tomb was empty, yet, no one had seen him around.

Two men who were followers of Jesus hit the road. They were depressed after His death and just needed to get out of town. So they walked to Emmaus, some seven miles away from the situation.

There was nothing special about this place they were heading. It was just the furthest thing away from something that seemed unbearable to stay in.

shutterstock_88421962Can you relate?

When things are disappointing, do you pack a bag and break away too? You might head to another city or maybe to the movies. You blow your budget to numb the pain. Or perhaps, you call a friend and head to the mall or a restaurant. You grab a drink at the bar, check in at the gym, search for a concert or something with stadium seating just to forget about how life let you down.

Some of you go to church just to forget about the failures ‘out there’.

There’s nothing wrong with you. We all do this from time to time. Emmaus is where we go to try to forget about Jesus and the painful parts in life.

When you have doubts or feel disappointed and defeated, remember the victory Jesus told us about. These two men took off because they forgot the Truth. They were living with their eyes instead of their belief.

God’s Word says He handpicked you. He trusted you to carry out His will right here. He equipped and empowered you with everything you need to live a story full of His glory. He has armed you with strength for the battles. There is patience and perseverance to endure.

You will never face something that’s too big for you to handle because God is your strong arm. You have the most powerful force breathing in your direction.

That’s what God’s Word says. Turn off the recording of doubts and defeat and start playing back all His Truths.

Trisha Keehn is a creative writer fueled by a lifetime of faith. She is part of the Life.Church and YouVersion Bible App creative writing team, and uses her broadcast news background to help companies choose their words wisely. Trisha is a wife, mom, coffee connoisseur, lover of libraries, and a savvy traveler.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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