pas·sion [pash–uhn]
Definition: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate; strong amorous feeling or desire.
I have a few passions in life; a passion for people, a passion for public speaking, a passion for motion pictures, a passion for causes and places… but one passion of mine stands on its own; it outweighs the sum of all others- my faith in God and the sacrifice He made through His son Jesus (it’s important for me to spell that out and not shy around the bold verbage). Since the day I accepted Christ as my savior, I’ve carried a reverent fear of the Lord in my heart. Shortcuts, shortcomings, even leeways in character bother my core. Not because I’m afraid of the consequence (although I should be)- I’m hurt that my soul would display such humiliating acts unto a God that loved(s) me so much. A God who made such majestic creations, wonders of the cosmos and me… and called it all good. My heart races from an eagerness, excitement, fervor and zest to agony, suffering, and misery to vehemence, rage, rapture and fired up. I am utterly in awe of God’s amazing works and abandon my heart to the Lord.
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