The Beauty Behind Your Hardship

Sorrento at sunsetSimply stunning, right? Believe it or not, as I held the camera staring out at this sunrise, I could not see the striking beauty captured here because of the circumstance I was standing in. My vision was clouded by a veil of the immediate hardship, which pulled on my heart more than the perfect smudging of colors blending across the sky. The depth of perspective in this scene was jaded by  where I had been standing. My eyes could only see the surface; a tired spirit and sweating body. The enemy had manipulated a worn out marionette, swayed by the difficulties taking stage.

I was alone. Afraid of the things I could see. Frustrated this wasn’t the fairytale journey I had planned. I was caught up in my conditions, instead of the captivating craftsmanship the Author had been drawing my attention to. I wish I had the perspective of Paul, to see my Maker’s grand masterpiece in the present day portraits instead of its imperfections.

Don’t get me wrong. There were times I experienced the supernatural force of praise so powerful, rising up from the pit of my disparity to help me stand strong in faith even when my thoughts or circumstances were tempted to come against the truth. There were images that evoked such vivid depictions of God, I fell on my face in such deep adoration for the Almighty Artist. I believe this was the most difficult part, because I only wished I could live captivated in awe by His artistry every moment.

Is it possible that the way out of hardship is to abandon our bad attitude and negative thoughts by surrendering to praise? One of the toughest things to do in the face of adversity is to take off our frames that are focused on fear and fatigue, and replace them with the lens’ of God’s love. We have a choice to pick up praise, when our life doesn’t live up to expectations or finds us surrounded in a situation that we can’t seem to get out of. It’s hard to be negative when you are declaring the goodness of God!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Are you missing the beauty in today because a veil of hardship comes between you and what’s on the other side? Is your circumstance covering the portrait God has been drawing before your eyes?

Trisha Keehn is a creative writer fueled by a lifetime of faith. She is part of the Life.Church and YouVersion Bible App creative writing team, and uses her broadcast news background to help companies choose their words wisely. Trisha is a wife, mom, coffee connoisseur, lover of libraries, and a savvy traveler.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “The Beauty Behind Your Hardship

  1. Just wanted to stop by and leave you with a few words. Your words were so poignantly felt in my heart today–both words exchanged earlier in the day and the words I have now read. Your sharing here does make a difference as does your friendship, and all you put forth each day. Your shared thoughts always challenge me to look at things differently than I have until when we we spoke or I read your post. You have brought encouragement, hope, and a strengthening and continuing growth in my own faith and beliefs–a gift I treasure and am so grateful to receive.

    Thank you for your shared insights, experiences, journey and faith dear friend!

  2. Just wanted to stop by and leave you with a few words. Your words were so poignantly felt in my heart today–both words exchanged earlier in the day and the words I have now read. Your sharing here does make a difference as does your friendship, and all you put forth each day. Your shared thoughts always challenge me to look at things differently than I have until when we we spoke or I read your post. You have brought encouragement, hope, and a strengthening and continuing growth in my own faith and beliefs–a gift I treasure and am so grateful to receive.

    Thank you for your shared insights, experiences, journey and faith dear friend!

  3. You are incredibly encouraging CJ! Thank you for stopping you day, and taking that time out to talk face to face this morning. It was very liberating to my heart to care with a friend, about life and its predicaments, instead of leaving it up to machines to translate the depth of emotions through texts and typing. You are such a treasured friend. I feel known when I’m around you; that is a very special gift you have.

  4. You are incredibly encouraging CJ! Thank you for stopping you day, and taking that time out to talk face to face this morning. It was very liberating to my heart to care with a friend, about life and its predicaments, instead of leaving it up to machines to translate the depth of emotions through texts and typing. You are such a treasured friend. I feel known when I’m around you; that is a very special gift you have.