When Life Is Disappointing

Where do you go?

The greatest difficulties you will face are not tragic endings, but rather how to move forward when the days are quite disappointing.

It happens just after a life-altering event; the honeymoon or once a newborn is home from the hospital. It can occur after the diploma, a new job or promotion. Even after you place all your hopes in Jesus, you can still be left feeling disappointed with the result.

When Jesus died on that cross, sudden darkness fell on the whole land during the brightest part of the day. The sound of thick linen tearing probably sent shock waves through the city, as a curtain that once separated man from God was torn. The voice of Jesus split rocks. The earth groaned in violent agony. The ground trembled.

It was an epic power outage.

Then Saturday came and things were quiet. Sunday arrived and it was as if life went back to normal for Jerusalem. There were rumors that Jesus’ tomb was empty, yet, no one had seen him around.

Two men who were followers of Jesus hit the road. They were depressed after His death and just needed to get out of town. So they walked to Emmaus, some seven miles away from the situation.

There was nothing special about this place they were heading. It was just the furthest thing away from something that seemed unbearable to stay in.

shutterstock_88421962Can you relate?

When things are disappointing, do you pack a bag and break away too? You might head to another city or maybe to the movies. You blow your budget to numb the pain. Or perhaps, you call a friend and head to the mall or a restaurant. You grab a drink at the bar, check in at the gym, search for a concert or something with stadium seating just to forget about how life let you down.

Some of you go to church just to forget about the failures ‘out there’.

There’s nothing wrong with you. We all do this from time to time. Emmaus is where we go to try to forget about Jesus and the painful parts in life.

When you have doubts or feel disappointed and defeated, remember the victory Jesus told us about. These two men took off because they forgot the Truth. They were living with their eyes instead of their belief.

God’s Word says He handpicked you. He trusted you to carry out His will right here. He equipped and empowered you with everything you need to live a story full of His glory. He has armed you with strength for the battles. There is patience and perseverance to endure.

You will never face something that’s too big for you to handle because God is your strong arm. You have the most powerful force breathing in your direction.

That’s what God’s Word says. Turn off the recording of doubts and defeat and start playing back all His Truths.

The Invisible War

The invisible war is real.

You can’t touch it yet the resistance holds you back.

It’s rejection. It’s anger. It is depression and anxiety and shame.

It doesn’t have a face, though it can stare you down and stir up great fear.

The world around you is only a background as the voices inside you shout louder.

Psalm 23:6, goodness and mercy, trishakeehn.comThe battle may have you fighting to hold onto hope, or quite possibly, you’re already on the run.

When you hear the footsteps chasing you down again, I want you to look back and see goodness and mercy following you all the days of your life. (Psalm 23:6)

When the words hurt or the pain of staying one more day in this place is too much to bear, these are the Truths…

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” (Psalm 54:4)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

The battlefield is in your mind. When you rest in His assurances, you put the power back on God. Your thoughts and words reflect the transformation inside.

Rescue is coming. This darkness will be gone soon. There will be a break in the clouds. Don’t give up now. Soak up the Truth to strengthen your soul. Speak life back into your heart. Deliverance is on its way.

The Simplicity in Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday! He is Risen!

Though, when reality reminds you of your situation, the grave just looks empty. There’s still no money in the bank. Your marriage is without intimacy. The house needs more work than it’s worth and your job isn’t satisfying anymore.

What did you expect the resurrection to look like?

On that Sunday morning, there were no angels in the sky singing choruses, and no kings from afar bearing gifts.

Jesus showed up in the most ordinary of circumstances; a private dinner, two men walking along the road to Emmaus, a woman weeping in a garden and some fishermen working a lake.

grave places, Jesus is risen, trishakeehn.com, the power of the cross, the power of the risen ChristJesus shows up in very simple ways. I wonder if you’ve been looking for Jesus to appear in a grandiose gesture, like winning the lottery or living a problem-free life when He’s been standing there every day in some of your simple situations this whole time?

The disciples who had been hiding in fear behind a locked door over dinner saw the scars on His hands. Jesus showed these men the wound on His side from the spear.

The resurrected Christ who stood among them changed everything. There were no questions. No more fear. No more doubt.

Chances are you haven’t seen Jesus show up like this. Me either. This is where faith comes in. Jesus follows up, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

You may not have seen a change in your circumstances yet; may I encourage you to believe anyway. Things seem pretty ordinary in your life; expect a revival in your situation.

In the simplicity of your comings and goings, expect Jesus to show up. With painful circumstances, believe in restoration before you have to see it.

The resurrection is a way of life. It’s an attitude we live in. Do you see your situation resurrected?

Whatever grave place you have found yourself in, Resurrection Sunday is a reminder that Jesus has gone before you and raised that dead thing to life. Victory is yours!

He is risen. Forever.

Hope In The Hard Middle

It’s Saturday. The disciples were frightened and hiding. They had forgotten what Jesus had said.

Have you ever been lost to the point of panic? Confusion can fade details in the most crucial times. Fear sets in.

The disciples had walked away from their work and for three years placed all their hope in this leader, Jesus. They watched Him heal the sick, calm the sea and stand against those filled with legalism.

Jesus took care of the immediate needs around the disciples and now it appeared He was gone. There was a mixture of confusion and disappointment. There was no more talk of a Kingdom and reigning with Jesus. Even one of their own betrayed Him at that last meal.

Every one of the disciples that had remained fled. And you would have too.

It had all gone up in smoke. Nothing made sense. Jesus dies in the darkness of noonday. It was all over.

Disappointment had turned to despair and as a disciple, you would feel foolish and probably afraid. How can you go back home and not be mocked by those who told you it was a stupid idea to follow Jesus in the first place?

If you flip through the pages leading up to Jesus’ death, you find Jesus shared His promise three times in the last week before He died; Matthew 16:21, 17:22, 20:17. hope will rise, Jesus' resurrection, Easter Saturday, trishakeehn.com, the hope of Jesus, Jesus will rise, your situation will resurrectA promise that after His death, Jesus would rise again

When you’re scared, you forget these kinds of details. When you’re confused, you forget east from west and where the shoreline is. And the longer you are in this state of confusion, the greater the panic.

You can’t remember the promise of resurrection behind red, swollen eyes. Resurrection in your relationships. Resurrection of your dreams. Resurrection of your situation. These are faint memories now. The stories of His faithfulness in the past become foggy as the darkness sets in.

What is interesting is that those who put Jesus to death hadn’t forgotten. The day after Jesus died, while the disciples were hiding, the Pharisees approached authority, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, ‘After three days I will rise.’ (Matthew 27:63)

So the tomb was secured with a stone and guard, in case the disciples tried to steal the body and fabricate a story about how Jesus had been raised from the dead.

The enemy remembered Jesus’ words.

Where are you feeling lost right now? Are you disappointed, scared, in panic or despair? This is the hard middle. This is Saturday. You might be ready to give up on a friend, a spouse, or a plan. Maybe you’re ready to throw in the towel on Jesus. It’s not the life you thought it would be.

The pain may have clouded His promise but even the enemy hasn’t forgotten; Jesus will rise. The promise of this resurrection must remain the mental glue that holds our scared and shattered thoughts together. It’s impossible to know the details of how Jesus will pull it off but this shouldn’t cause us to hide from the hope; ‘He will rise again’.

Your situation will turn around. The death of your dream will resurrect. Cling to this promise as your hope during these moments of long suffering. This is Easter Saturday; Sunday is coming.

More Than A Final Destination

God’s only Son, perfect and without sin. When He was on the cross, you were on His mind. The exchange of His life for eternity with yours.
eternity, Jesus' sacrifice, the cross of Christ, trishakeehn.com, Jesus died for you, It was Friday. There were beatings and suffering before that fateful trek up the hill of Calvary. They gave Him a crown of thorns to mock this authority as King.
As the sacrificial drops of His blood began to spill, your story and mine changed forever.
The blood of one spotless human being sealed the saving grace for all humanity. By His blood and your belief, nothing can tear you from your destiny with Jesus.
This wasn’t only about the final destination though. Jesus conquered the grave so that you would have the authority and victory to live freely today; free from the chains of condemnation, addiction, depression, and shame.
The name of Jesus gives you power to overcome the pain in this world; there is nothing that can separate you from His grace and love.
You can live an audacious life of faith and great hope because now you have access to His Spirit, that lives and breathes inside you.

Kissing The Enemy

The most difficult love to express isn’t toward those who love you back. You can naturally give affection to people who do loving things to you.

Jesus knew Judas was going to betray him and He still called Judas a friend. Crowds wanted to be with Jesus; God gave authority for only 12 to keep close. Jesus picked Judas to be in His circle.

In this day, we make decisions that go against God and He still reaches down from Heaven with a hug.

love hurts, love will sit with hurt, love can sit at the table with hurtLove goes beyond what you can do on your own and leans on the supernatural strength to serve someone you don’t have feelings for anymore.

Love will reach out with respect when their decision was to reject you. Love can sit across the table holding a hand that stirs up hurt.

You might have a hard time loving like this because you’re afraid it will take away the perceived control you have on your life. Maybe you still look to your circumstances to satisfy you.

You might say that forgiving someone looks more like permission than punishment or a reason to change. It could be difficult to extend this kind of love when you still question God’s love for your mistakes.

When you can’t sit across the table from your enemy and share a glass of wine or a basket of bread with deep love for this other soul, you are saying that the hurt is more than what Jesus can restore and what was taken from you God could never replace.

When you cannot love your enemy as a friend, you give more power and credence to the pain of a man’s hand than the power of God’s strong arm.

No matter what you choose, the Truth is that you cannot lose anything God has given you. No one can move you from the place God has in store for you. The enemy might put on the pressure, but he cannot steal your joy or peace or love if you’re unwilling to hand it over.

Bottom line: the enemy is not flesh and blood. This is spiritual. The powers of darkness are battling to bring you down from this place of love. Satan wants to strip you of Jesus. The devil shows up in the flesh and wants to control your feelings.keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer, Judas was a friend of Jesus, Jesus called Judas a friend, Judas betrayed Jesus

Let these difficult situations draw you to surrender to God’s Will, which is to love. Pray for the desire, the words, and the walk to extend forgiveness and mercy in light of your pain.

This isn’t self-empowerment. It’s not about building yourself up by declaring your own strength and unending love. God wants you to recognize that you are weak and that you trust Him for help.

When emotions are unbearable and the situation seems impossible, ask for the strength of Jesus to show up in your hands and feet with an embrace for the enemy. Invite your adversary to the table and let this love of Jesus wash away any brokenness with His supernatural love.

“If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:27-36)

When Deliverance Looks Different

What happens when delivery from the pain looks different than our request? Could you be missing out on the blessing because your sight is set too short?

On that day, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a borrowed donkey’s colt, one that had never been ridden before. The disciples spread their cloaks on the donkey for Jesus to sit on, and the multitudes came out to welcome Him, laying before Him their cloaks and the branches of palm trees. The people hailed and praised Him as the “King who comes in the name of the Lord” as He rode to the temple, where He taught the people, healed them, and drove out the money-changers and merchants who had made His Father’s house a “den of robbers” (Mark 11:17).

Jesus’ purpose in riding into Jerusalem was to make public His claim to be their Messiah and King of Israel in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy (Zechariah 9:9).

Jesus rode into the capital city on a donkey and the people praised Him, hailing “Hosanna, Hosanna”. They didn’t see Him as a Savior from sin, but as a deliverer from the trouble. They thought he would lead them in a revolt against Rome.

Jesus rode in on a donkey, the King of Kings came in on a donkey, trishakeehn.com, deliverance came on a donkeyBut Jesus didn’t meet their expectations, when He refused to rebel against the Roman authority by force, and the crowds quickly turned on Him. Within just a few days, their hosannas changed to cries of “Crucify Him!” (Luke 23:20-21).

They hailed Him as a hero when they thought He would deliver exactly what they wanted. They rejected Him when it looked different than their own desires.

It sounds strangely familiar to what we do with Jesus when He wants to do things differently in our lives. Sometimes our rejection looks like this: we stop praying when he doesn’t answer, we stop reading the bible when nothing is changing, we stop serving others when we feel stretched, we quit forgiving when we hurt, we stop sacrificing when we don’t get something in return, and we stop giving when our finances feel strapped.

Sometimes we discount the power in deliverance when it looks different.


Things may look differently with Jesus than you’d like them to be. Don’t let go. The Maker of Heaven and Earth created you for good things. He promised to supply every need (Philippians 4:19), cover every offense (2 Corinthians 12:9), and in ALL things work for the good to those who love and serve Him faithfully (Romans 8:28).

What Are You Reflecting?

unwavering love of God, trishakeehn.comYou are made in the image of God, loved by God, and nothing can touch that. His love for you is unwavering.

God wasn’t any happier when your work got published or the nameplate was put on your door. He didn’t hold you higher in His heart because you created a charity, gave $100 to a homeless man or prayed on your knees for two hours.

God’s approval isn’t something you can earn.

When you make the decision to serve the Lord and be in ‘the house of worship’ on Sunday and Wednesday and sometimes Saturday, it’s actually for you, not God.

Being in church gives you a safe refuge to seek the source of unselfish love. Here you learn from others who have discovered the Truth and live it. Sunday is where you refill the reservoir of wisdom to love from His Word.

When you give from the love in your heart, this isn’t so that you receive better standing with people or God or get something tangible in return.

The love you share with others is simply a reflection of what you’re willing to accept and understand about God’s love for you.

The source of love will never let your well go dry as long as you keep coming back to receive His supply.

God will always love you the same yesterday, today and tomorrow… no matter what you’re willing to give.


The Power Is In A Prayer

Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years! Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops. (James 5:13-18)

Just like Elijah prayed a supernatural prayer, you can do the same. When you pray, God hears that. When you’re sick or down, prayer is the powerful and effective elixir. Your prayers produce results. If you don’t pray, you don’t get results. You have not because you ask not.

Pray about everything.

Nothing is too small to bring to God.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

power of prayer, trishakeehn.comWhen we pray, God hears. If you have any need in your life, be encouraged; God is listening.

When you take a step of faith and join hands with a prayer partner, something shifts in the supernatural realm. The bible reminds us that prayer is stronger when there are more people petitioning to God on our behalf (Matthew 18:20). It’s hard to be honest about the struggles, but when you can set aside your fear and pride, there’s a level of power a team of prayers can tap into that a single prayer doesn’t have.

The healing power of God is available. The anointing power of favor from the Holy Spirit is present. Whether you feel it or not, the Lord is here.

Your prayers can bend the Lord’s ear. Your whisper for His help can break the bondage and every chain that has you hostage in Jesus’ name. If you’re looking for a mate, start with a prayer. When you’re in search of purpose, place your hope in a prayer.

You don’t need eloquent speech to come before God or lengthy paragraphs of requests. The only thing He asks is for you to come. Bring the genuine heart He created in you and the authentic words that come out of your mouth. That’s how He wants you to come.

If your struggle has you tongue tied, here’s a place to start…

Heavenly Father, I come before you in this moment and ask for strength in the struggle. I know that when I call on Jesus’ name, every addiction and power that has a hold on me must come down. And so I declare Jesus’ healing power over the things that are luring my mind and heart away from your best, Lord. Any ounce of me that is craving the old life, I denounce right now in the saving blood of Christ. I declare that it has no hold on me that Jesus hasn’t already overcome. And so I call on the strong tower of Christ over this stronghold and walk in His mighty power lifted high above any grip on my mind, on my soul, and on my will. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

“Do not dwell upon your inner failings… Just do this: Bring your soul to the Great Physician – exactly as you are, even and especially at your worst moment… For it is in such moments that you will most readily sense His healing presence.” – Teresa of Avila

Where Is Your Focus?

Jesus, we love you.

focus on God, where is your focus, trishakeehn.comI don’t know how you’re feeling, what you’re facing or how you’ve stumbled across this post, but when we make the decision to focus our attention on Jesus with all the adoration of our heart, it’s amazing how the things of the earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

It’s just like the captivating rays of the sun. When your eyes look into the brilliant spectrum of light, everything else on this earth fades in comparison to this glorious light.

A glimpse of His greatness, His grace and His great love for us can consume every heartache and disappointment. There’s something incredibly powerful when we’re magnifying Him in our mind and with our emotions. All the things of this world become small and insignificant in the light of His majesty.

What are you glorifying today; your schedule, your problems, the setbacks or something bigger than them all?

Where’s your praise today? Jesus is here. His presence is alive and He’s asking for your focus today.

We thank You Jesus for your grace, your love, your goodness, and your favor. We thank you that we can stand here in your grace and live in your free unmerited favor that you have bestowed on us.

Heavenly Father, we come here confident as your children, your sons and daughters. We know you are a good Father, who is for us and on our side. We thank you that You think of us. That your plans are for a future filled with hope and that you have plans to prosper us. We thank you that You are with us right now. We thank you that You are our present help in time of need. We thank you that You are our refuge. You are our strong tower. We thank you  that even now, in this season and moment of life, You are with us. We thank you for your goodness, your love and your grace, Jesus. Amen.