Love By Faith

The difficult part of praying for a life that mirrors Christ’s love, is that we are faced to love when we don’t want to, when we don’t feel like it, when we get nothing obvious in return, when they don’t deserve it, when they’re not worth it, when they don’t know it and even when it makes no difference. Yet, we live it out anyways.

For the last few months now, I have been convicted of Christ’s love as I pray to share more of it. There is someone who deeply and ruthlessly betrayed me over the course of three years. In wisdom, every counselor and mentor advised strict boundaries to stay away from the toxicity and ‘unsafe’ person. I forgave their actions and prayed for healing and restoration in their lives. A few months later, I moved states away. But the harassment and hurting continued until one day, this person also moved to my new city and stepped into my circle of friends. I became so distraught by the turmoil of pain and alone in my struggle. It seemed no matter how I tried to ‘brush off the dirt’ and walk away from the past, God’s love was pressing in deeper, asking me not to walk away from people. With nowhere else to turn, I began praying for a desire to deeply love them and God’s power to walk in it. I felt everything in me die as I invited Jesus to do the impossible; to help me love the ‘unlovable’.

As the weeks passed, I continued praying through the pain until that day came; when Jesus carried me in courage, strength and favor. The love of Christ consumed me as I sought out and embraced this person. And only in His power, my heart was able to walk out a love that desired to willingly serve. Instantly, I experienced insurmountable JOY and FREEDOM that I cannot adequately describe.

I think we find loving so painful because we try to love with our own emotions and our eyes fail us when love doesn’t bring about the exact results we want and asked for. But we are called to love by faith. Love our enemies by faith. Love our betrayers by faith. Love a bitter parent by faith… not a feeling. Living love is a daily commitment to throw off preferential affections. We live by faith. We love by faith. If we truly become a person who makes a lifestyle of believing God, we will become bolder in our love for others and what we’re willing to believe God for in their lives.

Walking in love doesn’t always feel warm fuzzy. Sometimes our only motivation is obedience to God. If no one else catches the love we sacrificially give, know that God will.

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:5

Oh my Lord, the things you bring us through astounds my eyes. You are faithful to deliver us from the stronghold of bitterness and hatred, so that our hearts may experience the freedom and joy you authored in this life! May the fruit of Christ’s love within us surface in our words and walk today. We come yielded to your authority, may we be so filled by your Spirit, Lord. Guide us to those relationships we still harbor grief in. God, give us the strength to walk out your unfailing love. Help us to actively love others and pray those big prayers for them. You were faithful yesterday and you will be faithful today. We trust you for more faithfulness in our future. May we love by this same faith.

Trisha Keehn is a creative writer fueled by a lifetime of faith. She is part of the Life.Church and YouVersion Bible App creative writing team, and uses her broadcast news background to help companies choose their words wisely. Trisha is a wife, mom, coffee connoisseur, lover of libraries, and a savvy traveler.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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10 thoughts on “Love By Faith

  1. Very encouraging. There are people from my past that I have forgiven, but I still remember the hurt. Trying to let down any barriers I’ve built up is extremely tough. Thank you for this reminder that it’s about the love of Jesus!

    • The bible calls us to forgive AND love and what that looks like for each person is different. But when I prayed for Christ’s love in me, there was no other option in my situation. I had been living in my own strength of love and what I thought it should look like and quite honestly, what counselors and friends thought it should be, but that was not living in the full capacity of God’s love. God’s love goes beyond what we can see or understand. I believe if we pray for it, He will reveal a deeper capacity to walk in love than we could ever imagine. God is so amazingly good!

      • Amen. There are situations where I wouldn’t blame someone for putting up boundaries, where there are safety concerns. However, I see your point, that if we love God the way He loves us life would be a lot better. I can’t worry about who is worthy in my eyes, because I know I myself am unworthy of the gracious love He’s given me!

        • Yes! I say the same thing… I am just as unworthy as anyone else, no matter what they’ve done. I still have boundaries with this person; wisdom says I must in this situation. But I’ve discovered I can still love and serve within boundaries.

  2. Very encouraging. There are people from my past that I have forgiven, but I still remember the hurt. Trying to let down any barriers I’ve built up is extremely tough. Thank you for this reminder that it’s about the love of Jesus!

    • The bible calls us to forgive AND love and what that looks like for each person is different. But when I prayed for Christ’s love in me, there was no other option in my situation. I had been living in my own strength of love and what I thought it should look like and quite honestly, what counselors and friends thought it should be, but that was not living in the full capacity of God’s love. God’s love goes beyond what we can see or understand. I believe if we pray for it, He will reveal a deeper capacity to walk in love than we could ever imagine. God is so amazingly good!

      • Amen. There are situations where I wouldn’t blame someone for putting up boundaries, where there are safety concerns. However, I see your point, that if we love God the way He loves us life would be a lot better. I can’t worry about who is worthy in my eyes, because I know I myself am unworthy of the gracious love He’s given me!

        • Yes! I say the same thing… I am just as unworthy as anyone else, no matter what they’ve done. I still have boundaries with this person; wisdom says I must in this situation. But I’ve discovered I can still love and serve within boundaries.