Resurrection Sunday! He is Risen!
Though, when reality reminds you of your situation, the grave just looks empty. There’s still no money in the bank. Your marriage is without intimacy. The house needs more work than it’s worth and your job isn’t satisfying anymore.
What did you expect the resurrection to look like?
On that Sunday morning, there were no angels in the sky singing choruses, and no kings from afar bearing gifts.
Jesus showed up in the most ordinary of circumstances; a private dinner, two men walking along the road to Emmaus, a woman weeping in a garden and some fishermen working a lake.
Jesus shows up in very simple ways. I wonder if you’ve been looking for Jesus to appear in a grandiose gesture, like winning the lottery or living a problem-free life when He’s been standing there every day in some of your simple situations this whole time?
The disciples who had been hiding in fear behind a locked door over dinner saw the scars on His hands. Jesus showed these men the wound on His side from the spear.
The resurrected Christ who stood among them changed everything. There were no questions. No more fear. No more doubt.
Chances are you haven’t seen Jesus show up like this. Me either. This is where faith comes in. Jesus follows up, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)
You may not have seen a change in your circumstances yet; may I encourage you to believe anyway. Things seem pretty ordinary in your life; expect a revival in your situation.
In the simplicity of your comings and goings, expect Jesus to show up. With painful circumstances, believe in restoration before you have to see it.
The resurrection is a way of life. It’s an attitude we live in. Do you see your situation resurrected?
Whatever grave place you have found yourself in, Resurrection Sunday is a reminder that Jesus has gone before you and raised that dead thing to life. Victory is yours!
He is risen. Forever.
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