Bad things happen to good people. That’s all there is to it. I don’t know why God allows the enemy to do some of the horrific things he does. It could be to stretch or increase our faith, love, or call us back to Him… the possibilities are endless. We have to remember that faith will always require us to accept unanswered questions, and we must come to the place where we’re satisfied to know the One who knows and place our trust in Him.
James 1:17. Everything good comes from God. God is good, and He cannot be anything else. Furthermore, He isn’t one way one time and another way another time. He doesn’t change. He is good, and that’s the way He is.
When we experience terrible tragedy, being angry with God is quite common. People frequently ask, “If God is good, all-powerful, and full of love for us, why didn’t He stop the thing that caused the pain?” And honestly, this is where Satan seeks to build a wall between God and the hurting person. The devil seizes the opportunity to say, “God isn’t good, and He can’t be trusted.” However, we know according to the Word of God, the truth is not in Satan, he is a liar and deceiver.
If someone has hurt you, don’t spend the next ten years of your life hurting yourself by hanging on to that offense. Most likely, the other person isn’t even thinking about you, while you dwell on the incident for years. That only hurts one person, you. When we walk in unforgiveness, we’re essentially “keeping score,” viewing ourselves as better than the other person. There’s a place it all goes in our minds and hearts that eats away at our love. Every new thing they do ‘wrong’ gets added to this list, and grows until it becomes a bitter giant consuming the heart.
When we walk in God’s love, we find freedom by keeping “no account” of wrongs done to us. If you’re hurting from the pain, ask Jesus to help heal you and let go of the bitterness, knowing God has already settled the score with Satan. If you claim Him as your Almighty God, you can claim the victory that’s found in Jesus over the sin that plagues this world we live in.
God, I don’t want to keep score anymore and let my unforgiveness hurt me. I release it to You and claim your healing over this burdened heart. I ask You to help me walk in Your love, which keeps “no account of the evil done to it.” God, I may not always understand why bad things happen, but I know that You are good. When I don’t understand why, I will find my comfort in You.
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