The Power of Purpose

victor franklWhen a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure. – Victor Frankl


Donald Miller shared this wonderful quote in his book, Scary Close. It’s such a profound statement, I want to unravel a couple threads about pleasure and how we find meaning.


Man isn’t seeking pleasure as much as he was seeking a deep sense of meaning. If man has no meaning, he will numb himself with pleasure.


The problem is pleasure isn’t lasting; it satisfies the moment until we wake up without a purpose again. Give man meaning and he will stop chasing the distractions.

How do we give our lives some meaning?

One way is to be honest about the brokenness. When we hide our affliction, flaws, and failures, we miss out on the power of the gospel.


This isn’t oversharing to seek attention. It’s a “me too”, honest approach to helping others. You’ll know the difference when you examine your motive for sharing. If your story points back to you as the source of strength, then you’ve taken away any power accessible to those who aren’t you. gospel, saving grace,


If you stuff the beauty of the gospel under a stage of your own strength, you steal the show from saving grace.
When we admit our story has failures and also God’s grace is enough, then we have given power to the gospel.


My life is a mess and I don’t have it figured out, but my hope rests in the mercy of a loving Father.


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Trisha Keehn is a creative writer fueled by a lifetime of faith. She is part of the Life.Church and YouVersion Bible App creative writing team, and uses her broadcast news background to help companies choose their words wisely. Trisha is a wife, mom, coffee connoisseur, lover of libraries, and a savvy traveler.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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