God will let you get to the bottom, maybe lose something important, or even become desperate just so you and I can experience Him all the more. The Almighty waits for our hands to surrender so we can see His sufficiency is all we ever need.
Our Creator God cares about having a relationship with His children. He holds the keys to life and is championing every effort to discover Him more.
Instead of complaining or stressing out about a situation, this is the time to say, God, you have created an opportunity for me to see your power, to experience your hand, to go deeper in my relationship with You by seeing You like I have never witnessed your grace, your favor, or your strength before.
“Only God.” This is the beginning of every God-glorifying story.
Any temporary loss has an eternal gain if you can change your perspective on the problem. Our promise-keeping God never asks us to give up anything without offering something far greater in its place.
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