Hope Gives Way To Strength

Sometimes crazy gets the breakthrough.

When you’ve been waiting and believing and trusting for a miracle, some days can just drain you. You might wake up thinking, ‘This is going to be the day’! The evening comes and you return with nothing more than the weight of requests unanswered and an exhausted spirit.hope, strength, trishakeehn.com

I want you to know that it’s okay to still get loud about these miracles. Your worship can turn the tide of the battle in your favor.

This kind of praise confuses the enemy because you haven’t received your miracle yet but here you are praising and shouting and lifting up the name of the only one who can turn your situation around.

The enemy wants to mute your praise because the currency of the miraculous is in your mouth. How loud would you get if your miracle was on the other side of your praises?

Get desperate about your requests when doubt creeps in. When you are so low that you feel you can’t get any lower and there’s no reason for you to believe that God is going to do anything about it…

Lift your voice. Hope will rise on the inside.

Hope when it doesn’t make sense. Hope in the midst of fear. Hope when the situation gets worse because hope gives way to strength. The Lord didn’t bring you this far to leave you. There’s a miracle with your name on it.

It’s time to get loud for your ‘all of a sudden…’ Your miracle is right behind you.

The One Thing That Lasts Forever

Bill Hybels quote, trishakeehn.com, see where God takes you, push the throttle, challenge to live, life wide open to GodWhat are you going to do with your life that will last forever? How will you outlive your earthly accomplishments? Here’s what I know: people are the only thing that makes it to the next life.

This is your one and only life. What are you going to do with it?

Some need to give up the chase for more money, more accomplishments, and more thrill-seeking tales. Others need to make the choice to just let go of control and self doubt. How much clearance does God really have to call the shots in your life?

Bill Hybels says, “I challenge you to push the throttle as far as you can push it, and live your life wide open to God. See where He takes you. I have a feeling you’ll never regret it.”

Be Yourself

It will be your greatest accomplishment

be yourself, ralph waldo emerson

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You have the beautiful ability to influence someone just the way you are. Without your uniqueness, the world is missing out on a glimmering gift that God gave to you. He crafted only one of ‘you’.

Who you are reflects a piece of Him that no one else can replicate. You were the only one made. Please don’t give us a second rate version of someone else when you are a marvelous, first class design.

We hunger for God’s mystery to be revealed and it requires you, to be you, to reflect that part of Him.

I love you.


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Do That Thing

Doubt Kills more dreams than failure ever will.

do that thing, dreams, doubt, failure, trishakeehn.comDo that thing you think you cannot do. If you take the chance and it doesn’t work out, what’s the worst that can happen? That you’d have to try something else?

Falling will probably hurt a little. But, going against gravity and rising when you want to stay down is what produces growth. Resistance is meant to be uncomfortable. Let go of protecting yourself from trying. Workout those possibilities. Exercise the opportunities.

Where there’s no risk, there’s no reward.

Let me be more black and white…

doubt, dreams, failure, do it, trishakeehn.com