Awakened to the Love of Jesus Christ

I am lovesick. I sit here in the stillness of the morning and my heart is sustained by my Healer. He revives me in the dawn as His breath blows a fresh air into these lungs. The Spirit of God quickens my life, empowering and invigorating me to do in Jesus’ Name what cannot be done by human flesh and blood alone. I can taste His sweet Spirit in the gentle breezes.

When I’m weak and defeated, God infuses a strength wholly beyond me. He puts iron in a weary and worn out soul. The fire of Christ is in my bones. I ask Him to pour out His Spirit on me in ways that exceed what He’s done in the past and vastly glorify His Name. He is forever faithful to His Word and I desire nothing more than to bring glory to Christ, to be used by Him to extend the outreach of His powerful hand, and to serve in His merciful Name.

I deliberately enter into a fresh season and invite Jesus to do something brand new in me and thank Him in advance for what He has planned. His ways are always right. Always fitting. I am filled with a childlike enthusiasm. Without having a clue what is ahead, I can have unshakable confidence that God will be good to me. He holds me securely in the palm of His hand.

Searching For Your Hand

Praise you Jesus for your healing power… thank you Lord for your light shining through the darkness to a world searching for your hand at work! We give you all the glory! Through my tears I am not letting the enemy steal my joy in Jesus. Thank you God for still being faithful. And to the centurion Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that very moment. Matthew 8:13

There’s so much uncertainty with my cousin’s brain injuries; we’re caught between hope and realism. Being with family and at hospital with my cousin, oh, it was just one of the greatest gifts and warmed my heart so much. I hung up encouraging posters in his line of sight, played Jesse’s favorite music for his ears to hear, held his hand and massaged his legs for his skin to feel, and read stories of healing from Matthew– speaking in prayer those words in the name of Jesus over Jesse’s life. Either way, whether it’s from his body in that hospital bed or his spirit hovering above, I believe my cousin sees and knows he is loved and that’s all we can do. To God be any glory from the miracles/healing that occur.

Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

I opened the door to my house, it was very quiet, evident that I left in a hurry and hit me what all just happened. It feels like everything in my life stopped for a moment but the world kept spinning. I’m pretty tired and a bit lost to not be at the hospital when there’s someone in need, but I understand the Lord has it all in His hands and my prayers from hundreds of miles away still have power too. Overall, the joy of the Lord has remained my strength! So if you’re wondering how to pray for me, pray for God’s companionship to comfort me in the quiet and mercy from others as my heart feels a bit ‘needy’ during this time.

Finding Love In The Loneliness

A few months ago I moved into a neighborhood, alone, nowhere near my existing friendships and as you can imagine I started to experience a loneliness in my heart. Several friends suggested online dating, while others offered countless opportunities to volunteer. I grimaced at the thought that God would be glorified in an attempt to fill my brokenness where God longs to make me whole.

Deep down, feeling ‘alone’ is uncomfortable. We desire relationships because that is what God created us for. However, I believe there is an even deeper connection we find in God that relieves our longing, it quenches the soul. Oftentimes, we try to put people in a position only God can hold. We jump from relationship to relationship or sometimes attempt to drown our lives in many relationships at the same time to avoid the deeper pain of being alone.  And truth be told, we attract what we are, meaning brokenness will attract the broken and then all we’re left with is one broken relationship. 

There’s something sweet God gives us in the quietness of our day and I believe it’s that restoration of fullness that forms the foundation we need to build all those other things on. When I’m still, there’s a refreshment that comes from His presence, a tenderness in His comfort, a peace that calms every longing and a joy that soothes my desires. It’s through these moments that I’ve recognized all else will eventually fade in this life, but God Is… Was… and Will Be always there. When the Rock is my everything, I am comfortable with the ‘uncomfortable’, I have strength in my ‘weakness’, a deeper love in my ‘loneliness’ and I’m confident in ‘just being’ where He has me.

I like this quote, “singleness is a calling, not a status”… even if it’s for just a season in life.