Are you desperate for a dream?

dead things to life, God raises dead things, dreams, dead dreams, dream on, lean on God, your dreams are not dead

Do you have dreams that seem dead? Is there something you were believing for, but this extended season of silence has you believing they are gone? It might be that you think your dream is too big? Perhaps circumstances have destroyed the possibilities?

We have a God of resurrection power.

His ways are not our ways. Redemption of a dream may not look the way you expected. What you thought was dead may be lying dormant or through another door that you’re denying. With one word, Jesus can bring dead dreams back to life.

If this is something God wants for your life, then there is NO WAY He designed it for you to do on your own.

dead things to life, God raises dead things, dreams, dead dreams, dream on, lean on God, your dreams are not deadGod plants dreams that are beyond your reach of doing on your own.

He whispers audacious, crazy, and unimaginable ideas to your timid heart in hope that the impossibility of the idea would drive your dependence on Him.

The things that have you afraid are designed to buckle your knees. Feelings of fear might have your thoughts caught in a knotted up net of your own limitations. You are not created to carry the burden. God knows you can’t do this on your own.

Your weakness reveals the need for God’s strength.

The purpose of a ‘walking on water’ dream is to draw you out of the boat and into deeper waters with Him. Do you trust Jesus when he says, ‘do not be afraid’?

He hears your desperation.

Bring your unbearable requests to the One who gave them to you. Trust is a beautiful thing when grace is there to catch you when you fall.

Through the hesitancy when you want to grip tighter to the things you can see, God is speaking into your pain and asking you to open your hand, release your heart, and trust Him with all that you can’t. Trust He has possibilities for your problems and backdoors out of your brokenness.

God has something significant He wants to do in you, through you. And in His power, the Almighty will be the one accomplishing it, not you.

Say Yes To Your Own Ideas

say yes, your ideas, trishakeehn.comThose who have never run a race in their lives are happy to give you all the reasons why you can’t win yours. Start a new habit of saying yes to your own ideas. Count all the ways you can and will achieve these dreams and then add one more because there will always be that voice rattling off why you can’t or won’t.

You may have never crossed a finish line, yet. Here’s the key to silencing the voice whispering defeat over your plans… simply start. Break the heartstrings your old nature and say yes. Even if your soul throbs with the lonely, gushing groans of Gethsemane.

So what is your passion? Where do your desires find rest? What are the names of those stars that illuminate your blackest of nights? When you close your eyes, what wakes the spirit and quenches your thirsty soul? What is your undoing? Then say yes to that.

Take one step today. And take one more tomorrow. Ask yourself, “Am I content to leave it at that?” And, if not, address “Where do I go from here?”

The scars will testify that you at least tried. Your ideas matter.

Life in a Slower Lane

I always wanted to save the world; every homeless man and all the hungry children. My parents thought I’d outgrow it. I never did. I also wanted to be a crime-solving detective so I took investigative reporting for a test drive and found I’m an activist at heart.

Death will shatter walls of insecurity and take away the excuses to wait another day to do what you want to do. My brother was just a year younger than me. Losing my best friend as a teenager unveiled the deep seeded strength my soul found in God; a faith that had been nurtured morning after morning through searching the scriptures for the mystery beneath it all.

be kind, love yourself, trishakeehn.comMy aim is to inspire myself to move forward every day. From the overflow, I hope to inspire female confidence in others. We are so conditioned as women to hate on ourselves and reject compliments. Many of us have been taught that men validate a woman’s self-esteem so we’re left empty when there’s not a ‘he’ in our lives. We have to start by encouraging ourselves and then strive for healthy female influences to fill us. Then maybe we would find our attention in loving others.

The greatest lesson I’ve learned is to let whatever I do today be enough. If I run two miles and don’t lift weights afterward, it’s okay. I know that I’m enough. Successful enough, smart enough, pretty enough, healthy enough.

There was a time I trusted every single person and was teased for being so naïve. Too many lies and lessons later, I’ve learned to listen to my intuition and the Spirit’s leading. My heart still feels open and I’m ever madly in love with people, yet by the grace of God, I’m also more rooted in reading situations and have come to understand this heart needs protecting.

Thus, over the years, my skin has thickened and my heart softened.

Leaning into love a little more, I’m more obliged to let a man open my door than do it all on my own. And I bask in this sweet gesture. Saying no to someone who offers to help is closing a door.

Doing what I fear helps crack open the seed that helps me grow. I read somewhere that a human’s greatest fear is being alone. When I watch the world spin over the axis of careers, material, and relationships, this conclusion is certainly true for my own life. Taking the leap into living alone, traveling as a party of one, and remaining content as a single woman has been the biggest journey of faith for me.

I’m a believer in the impact of healthy habits, not just physically but emotionally as well. A morning routine of quiet time over coffee has a profound effect on my life. It is essential and helps me to live in the moment. live, laugh, love,

I’ve gotten better at slowing down and being more mindful of myself. My pride used to thrive on crushing it at work, crushing it at the gym, but leaving my mental health at bay. Getting up at 5 a.m. helps me claim the first part of my day in solitude without competing demands for what keeps me grounded.  This is my sweet spot. There’s morning runs or afternoons in weight training. Monthly massages have been a game changer.

My focus is to commit to few demands, narrow the numbers and deepen each one as far as we can go together. Primarily, I look for shoulders wearing interesting layers and vulnerable souls who demonstrate strength over their emotions.

If we were to spend a dreamy day together, it would begin over coffee, unraveling our hearts in the Word. The sun would smile brightly and we would nod to how marvelous He has made this life. I just imagine in the end, that the moon would find us around a fire laughing at how crazy and adventurous this life really is.

How to Make a Decision

decisions, faith, God's strength,

One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder. The next time you have a choice to make, ask yourself:

  • Which direction will build character and qualities in me that I need?
  • Where do I need to lean on God for the strength and less on my ability?
  • What brings peace and requires love?

Be careful not to let your emotions dictate the direction. Pray for God’s peace to lead you in the journey that is best the life He intended you to live.

Power in the Present

Living in ‘what is’ instead of ‘what if’

If you could set up a living space that met your needs today, what would the rooms look like?

I remember the excitement moving in and working with the furniture to make room for gatherings, sleep overs and dinner parties.

Two years later, I’m feeling disappointed that life hasn’t opened more opportunities for lovely faces to enjoy these beautiful spaces. I’m frustrated when I sit in my ‘family’ room without a family. My soul is sad the gift of a guest room feels, cracked foundation, today, tomorrow,, dreams

I wrestle with what is because I’ve been living in what if.

The unsettling today comes from building on a false foundation of tomorrow.

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1

Plan for the present. This is all we’re promised.

So I dreamed a dream for the walls wrapped around my life presently.

Big beds deserve a big room. Bedrooms are the best with great windows. And football has me falling asleep in front of the t.v. I concluded what I’m sure you just did.

That ‘great’ room just got greater!

Like a child building a blanket fort, I couldn’t stop giggling as I bent the bed mattress around door frames and shimmied the queen into a room now reflecting a woman of royalty.

writer, trishakeehn.comSince I’m super crazy about cupping my ‘wine of the bean’ first thing in the morning, it made sense to put a Keurig pot next to the bed and set on a timer.

As a writer, it is out of convenience to also carve out a corner for my desk just a few feet from the bed; sometimes the Spirit prompts me in the middle of a night.

Mirrors and chandeliers. It’s a little girl’s fairy tale and a grown woman’s fantasy suite. And that’s why I converted my former bedroom into a dreamy dressing room, with floor space to twirl in fancy dresses and lounging chairs to kick up my heels when this happy heart just needs to soak in the moment.

Now that you want to stay in my place, you can have the master bedroom. I’ve kept the guest room just the way it is because this bachelorette still needs space in her life for others.

My heart to heart takeaway here is that I had built walls around a life that wasn’t mine to be living. The space I stepped into every day was reminding my disappointed soul of what I didn’t have.

The stage where I wanted to stand was holding my heart hostage from experiencing the set of something spectacular in the place that God was holding me.

What was stopping me from living today to its fullest potential was my own desire to live for tomorrow.

You need to let go of tomorrow so you can live fully in today.

You may not be single forever. Seize the chance to travel, try new things and look fear in the face.dreams, potential, what if, what is,

Children grow up. Take time to notice and laugh. Let them know they are loved.

Friends don’t always stay. Be intentional with those moments you share.

We are all just a breath away from change.

My hope is that you don’t wait two years to experience what you were meant to live in today.

Exchange ‘what if’ for the power of ‘what is’. It unlocks potential to exceed your dreams.


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Live a Life of Bravery

The cautious do not live at all

brave, bravery, courage, life,

The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.

Forget yesterday, it has already forgotten you. And for heaven’s sake, don’t sweat the tomorrow you haven’t even met yet.

We only have one life to live, and the time is going to pass, regardless of whether or not you step out in faith and reach for those dreams.

Accept Failure

Just as long as you try

try, failure,, michael jordan, quote

I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

– Michael Jordan

Do That Thing

Doubt Kills more dreams than failure ever will.

do that thing, dreams, doubt, failure, trishakeehn.comDo that thing you think you cannot do. If you take the chance and it doesn’t work out, what’s the worst that can happen? That you’d have to try something else?

Falling will probably hurt a little. But, going against gravity and rising when you want to stay down is what produces growth. Resistance is meant to be uncomfortable. Let go of protecting yourself from trying. Workout those possibilities. Exercise the opportunities.

Where there’s no risk, there’s no reward.

Let me be more black and white…

doubt, dreams, failure, do it,

Put a Ring Around Your Dreams

Commitment. Motivation. Self-discipline. Self-control. Patience.

Just like relationships, our goals take more than just a desire. The beginning will test you more in ways you never dreamed.

Mine is sharing God’s truths with others. That might be writing stories to inspire others or encouraging hearts around the table.

But there are times when I feel like calling it quits.

There are days when I’m tempted to throw my hands up in frustration and give in.

There are nights I go to bed convinced God chose the wrong person, and then wake up in the morning even more discouraged and confused.

There are obstacles that feel like dealbreakers, a circling of ideas that seem to go on forever, droughts that will seem unbearable, and resistance that easily lead to an undoing if I let them.

There are days when the devil is determined to get his way. And on those days, he is relentless in trying to rip this dream apart.

Maybe this sounds like days you’ve had, commitment, core, dreams fail

A couple months ago I decided to take my goals to the next level; I put a ring on it. This promise carries financial weight, responsibility, and accountability; I hired an assistant.

Making this commitment is one way that keeps me from throwing in the towel and giving up.

This helps me keep my pledge to God, grounded in faith and wholly non-negotiable.

If you don’t have a sense of commitment, your dream is very likely to fail. Make it a covenant that runs to the core of your being.

If giving up is an option in the back of your mind, you’re already there.

Step into your dream with a level of commitment that is unmistakable and undeterred., I will not give inYou have to have faith that says, ‘no matter how hard it gets, I will not give in.’

No matter how great the obstacle, you can work it out.

No matter how tempted you are to quit, you can make this dream work.

You have to know in your heart that God will bring you through any hardship and trial the devil throws your way, if you just stay the course, and remain in God’s will.

Fear is the devil’s playground and he loves dragging us there with him. But no decision based on fear is ever the right choice.

A life of faith says if I step out and do the right thing, God’s blessing will follow.

Faith is believing that God, faith is believing always in control. And that he always has your best interest in mind, even when things don’t work out as you might expect.

The blessings of living out this God-given dream are immense. There is nothing more satisfying than living in the call He’s placed in your heart. There is nothing more intimately rewarding than experiencing God’s hand in and through you.

Don’t miss out on God’s greatest blessing for your future. Seal your commitment and then watch the floodgates of blessing open wide.

Take A Vacation

Without leaving home

Sure you could be laying on the beach at some far-flung destination, not checking emails and sipping a cocktail at 2 p.m. rehearsing “I’m on vacation!” You don’t need to set an alarm to wake up and can follow all the whims in the world because time, my friend, is on your side.

Sounds dreamy, right?, vacation, staycation, state of mind

Well here’s a super surprise for you… It’s all in your head. Even on your couch, you can keep the beachside mentality by reading an entire book in one setting or download tons of music, and not move until you get hungry for chocolate chip cookies and espresso.

Not convinced?

I grew up in a family where having a good time was priority. Sure we lived paycheck to paycheck, but we were also at the lakes every weekend and living a good life. This is where I learned how to enjoy every day and live like it’s vacay.

Here’s a 1-2-3 for how you can to.

One: Live like the days depend on your prayers.

One day over coffee with my mentor, she mentioned she doesn’t use an alarm to wake up for work. This prayer warrior divulged that several years prior, she asked God to get her up on time without an annoying alarm and she’s never had to hit snooze again.

Her daily discipline was inspiring to me so I prayed that bold prayer too. And God has yet to miss a morning of waking me up.

Sadly, we settle for much less than God wants to give. We’re taught in Sunday School that He has the whole world in His hands but we get on our knees and ask for a little patience. Pray for bigger and bolder moves. Petition for the impossibilities to be made possible. No matter how little or big it seems, just ask. Your faith and expectancy won’t appall a willing Father. In fact, it will bring Him honor.

Get smart with your schedule and stop working to live. If you want God to give you those exhilarating gifts of not knowing what’s coming next, leave room for the interruption. At the very least, unwind some tension in your life by freeing up time from the daunting list of to-do’s. Breathe in some flexibility so you can bend when the whims blow instead of breaking under frustration. 

No one wants to feel like it’s work to be around you. Let those closest to you feel a fresh breath of freedom in your company and use your brakes to develop some boundaries with the burdens. If you’ve already crossed the line by bringing home your complaints and unending emails, commit to change the course or it will impact your years to come.

Embrace the good and let go of the bad. Raise a glass to liberty and give the boot to negative nancies. Spend more time celebrating and less time stressing. Set yourself up for success by building a balanced life.

Two: Relish in Relationships

Focus on the quality of your hours alone with yourself. Spend time building a solid foundation in your heart for the future. A little loneliness goes a long way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant life. Sit with yourself and discover your worth.

Ask God to show you His supremacy in all things and teach you His sufficiency in the silence.

During the quiet hours, God’s still, small voice often breaks through the void and speaks the loudest.

Be intentional about taking this opportunity to get to know you. And take initiative with others. Dig into the pockets of your friendships and splurge on going deeper.

God has richly blessed me with homegrown girls who have weaved their way into my regular routine. But there was a day these warm hearts were few and far between and my soul ached for women I had never met. So I began advocating morning and night in prayer for specific friendships to join in my journey.

Today, I have more than I could have ever imagined and I’m madly in love with each of their raw emotions. God gave me the gifts and now I make it intentional to meet monthly, diving headfirst into the deep end of life as we wrestle through the wonders and worries together. Then I eagerly dig out my calendar to schedule when to do it all again.

People like to be pursued. I selfishly love their stories. Sometimes I wonder if my excitement over shared company is similar to what God feels when we come to Him spilling all our stories from the day.

Here’s the other thing I noticed. When there is nothing anchoring the heart for attention, I’m more apt to make small talk with anyone and everyone. You’re probably more carefree with your conversations over a campfire with a complete stranger than you are in your own coffee house, right?

One day I realized how ridiculous it is that I’m more shy in my community than I am willing to make connections in planes and trains on the first ticket out of here. I get so focused on what’s in front of me, it’s as if I pull a string on imaginary blinds and don’t want people peering in on my privacy.

Boldly embrace relationships. Commit to their hearts. It’s the silent cry your soul is longing for.

Three: Dream On.

Last lesson for living like you’re on vacation is to make your work work around your dreams. Live for what you love to do and let everything else fall around it. Let go of every limiting fear that says you can’t create the life you desire.

Reading and writing are bookends to my day. I spring out of bed in the early hours, eager to lift a finger on my dream. Then I make time in the middle to get paid for marketing, but it’s meager compared to the minutes I spend living my dream.

For me, there’s just something about learning new things that inspires a refreshing ‘ah ha’ moment like a much needed vacation. Regularly I run down the New York Times Bestseller list to discover new ‘must reads’ that have been reviewed and raved about. Then I click over to my library account and reserve a copy. Some books are only worth a browse, but the point is, fresh content is available to check out or download at your disposal.

Maybe taking a nosedive into literature hardly feels like a vacation to you (hey, there’s audio books and magazines too… just sayin’). Chances are your daydreams look a lot different than mine. But the point is, I’m giving you permission to pick something to splurge on and go for it! Sleep in. Dream on. Dream until your dreams come true. Mosey on into the next moment and be deliberate. Don’t just take a vacation. Live like you’re on one.