When you allow other people to be right, it doesn’t make you wrong. It makes you a peacemaker.
As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)
Peace is a place where God wants us to live. We’re not put on this earth to straighten everybody out.
Peace is the assurance that God is fighting your battles for you. He has the ultimate control of this situation.
Resting in peace isn’t saying you have to agree with everything that is said or that you aren’t allowed an opinion. But let me just say this: being right is over-rated. If a conversation steals your peace, if it makes you miserable, frustrated or discouraged… if a conversation gets an upper hand and causes strife in your relationships, then it’s not a blessing for you to live in.
Be sensitive to when a conversation is going too far. Let peace be your guard. Let peace be your guide in every conversation. Let go of pushing back or feeling the need to prove yourself. You don’t have to be right to do what is right. Doing what is right is holding onto your peace. It’s a gift. Don’t give that away.
Peace shouldn’t come and go according to what is going on in our lives. Peace is a powerful force that allows you to maintain stability in a storm. You have control when you have peace. It comes from knowing God, meditating on his promises and standing on the Truth that He is in control.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.