Sometimes I look around and feel like everyone has someone… except me. But truthfully, I know there are those ‘coupled up’ who feel the same way, alone. And as tempting as it is to sit around feeling sorry for myself, God is using this time to draw me closer to Him. It has become a matter of changing my mind and attitude to gratefulness that I have time to spend alone with God.
Jesus often went off by Himself to be alone with God the Father in prayer (Luke 5:16). When I’m alone with God, without the distractions of the world, I can hear His voice much more clearly. Typically, that’s why I fast. Its in this stillness, that I can hear the whispers of His will. When I’m walking in intimacy with God, one isn’t the loneliest number, as the song goes; one becomes a whole number. The great Jehovah-Jireh promises to meet all my emotional and social needs during this time.
I’ve also found that it is during this wholeness I have in Christ that I am able to recognize and reach out to others in need of companionship. I’ve noticed there are so many people within reach that are looking for someone to care about them and many more in search of a savior. My adored Author hasn’t forgotten about me… He’s filling my heart as a vessel during this time to pour into others with desperate, more immediate needs.
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