So remember we are receiving the Sermon on the Mount just after Jesus was tempted in the wilderness following his 40 days of fasting. Jesus begins his ministry, calls his first disciples and teaches and heals big crowds of people. He goes up a mountain with his disciples and there Jesus outlines a famous set of teachings called the Sermon on the Mount. Here Jesus explains what His kingdom is, how it works, what our character should be like, and what it should look like. This is the longest set of Jesus’ teachings that we have on record. They are meant to guide our actions and become our rules in life.
In Luke 6 we received four Beatitudes, or blessed’s. Here in Matthew 5, we receive eight. When we live by these, our lives are transformed. When unfortunate things happen in our lives, we can refocus from the things of this earth to Jesus’ kingdom and find our pure joy in all circumstances, knowing these trials are testing our faith and producing perseverance in Him. And the joy we find here in the working out of our faith becomes our strength! (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, James 1:2-3, Nehemiah 8:10) Then we can share God’s goodness with others.
Verse 3 Spiritual poverty is to be conscious of our continual dependence on God. We are inadequate and insufficient apart from God. We are humble and self-denying. We value others and undervalue ourselves. The moment we think we are rich in spirit, that we’ve got this, we become proud and work independently of God. The foundation of everything is humility.
Verse 4 This means to be saddened by the things that sadden God, like sin, sickness, and death. We shouldn’t laugh or excuse the things that make God mourn. Sin and its consequences surround us and often make us numb. We must pray for God to give us His heart and thoughts about what we experience so that we can receive His comfort to encourage and strengthen us.
Verse 5 We are blessed when our spirit is meek/humble and broken of self-will. We need to submit our will to God’s and when we do, we inherit what He has set aside for us. We can never receive the things He has for us acting independently of God.
Verse 6 We need to be hungry for what pleases God. When we have a spiritual appetite for God’s way of life, we will be satisfied with divine contentment in our souls.
Verse 7 When we extend mercy to someone who should have received misery for what they did to us, that same mercy will come back on us from God.
Verse 8 This means to be authentic and honest before God. We don’t just go through the motions of prayer and speak stale, mechanical prayers with no meaning.
Verse 9 We should live in harmony with others, wanting to be a mediator and resolve conflicts. We make peace by identifying the Truths, addressing the sin, and bridging a gap between the two offended people. Jesus demonstrated this by bridging the gap creates by our sin and giving us peace with Him.
Verse 10 When we are mistreated (by family, work, neighbors, friends, the world) because we show God’s character (His character was just described in these Beatitudes). If we’re willing to be rejected by people for doing the right thing to be accepted by God, then the kingdom of heaven will be ours.
Verse 11-12 When people insult you and tell lies about you because of Jesus, you are blessed. Remember your reward is great. God can deliver you. The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us one day (Romans 8:18).
This is the Kingdom – Elevation Church
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for standing the gap my son created between me and You. Thank you for being my Peace in all situations, for being my joy in all circumstances. Your glory that will be revealed to me one day is worth more than any suffering I experience on this earth today. Help me to remember that when I’m hurting or mistreated. Help me to respond with mercy and humility. Help me mourn over the sin that saddens You, Jesus. Help me to stay dependent on You, Jesus, for sensitivity and divine satisfaction. Help me to stay hungry and thirsty for the things that please You, God. I want to be authentic, raw, and respectful in my prayers and never settle for stale, mechanical phrases to You, Jesus. I want to be a peacemaker using Your Truth to address sin and bridge a gap in relationships around me, Lord. In all my circumstances, I run to You, Lord, for relief, for deliverance, for understanding, and for peace. I trust You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen!