Verse 20-21 When Jesus finishes reading he says these words have been fulfilled. He is saying these words are about him. He is the Messiah. The Christ. The Anointed One.
Verse 22 Someone questions how he could be the Messiah when he came from a lowly/poor family. Isn’t this just a local? He’s just one of us. That’s what is implied by saying, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
Verse 23 Jesus could see their unbelief and so he makes this comment acknowledging they are going to want proof of him being the Messiah. The problem is if he gave them proof, it wouldn’t be enough. They were skeptical and simply unwilling to believe this guy from their town ends up being the Messiah.
If Jesus showed up today, would you believe him? If he didn’t look like the picture you have already painted in your mind for him to look like, could you wrap your mind around some guy showing up to say “I’m the Messiah?” What if Jesus showed up in an opportunity that was presented to you? What if He shifted some things in your life, would you know it was him? Or be upset because it’s a change or not what you expected for your life to look like?
If the Nazarenes (people from Nazareth) had read the Old Testament scriptures and knew what to look for, they would have known Jesus was Him, the Messiah. If you absorb the Word, you’ll know what to look for and be able to identify Jesus on the move in your life too.
Verse 24 These people thought they knew him. To them, he wasn’t anything special. They were thinking there’s no way this kid they grew up with was the Messiah.
Our hometowns and our families are some of the hardest people to witness to, to share the gospel with. They are too familiar with us and they struggle to see how we could speak with a renewed mindset when they’ve known us their whole lives. We might have all the words of Jesus but their unwillingness to believe will prevent them from hearing it. This should never stop us from trying to share. And clearly, should never stop us from being a follower of Jesus around them.
Verse 25-27 Jesus quotes a couple of stories from the Old Testament to show that even if he had proof that he was the Messiah, it wouldn’t help their critical unbelieving spirits change their minds about who he was.
The two stories he shares with them are about Elijah and Elisha, who were prophets but despite the miracles they performed, both were rejected by the Israelites (children of God). (You can find these stories in 1 Kings 17:1-16 and 2 Kings 5:1-19.) On the other hand, the Gentiles (remember these are not children of God and didn’t have access to him) were willing to act in faith when they heard the word of God through these prophets and ended up receiving God’s blessings and benefits instead! Elijah provides for the widow at Zarephath because of her belief and Elisha healed Naaman the Syrian.
Verse 28 The people were mad because Jesus was implying that God’s grace would be withheld from them and given to the Gentiles. When they realized He wasn’t going to perform for them, the people kicked Him out of their lives. We can get caught in a trap of thinking Jesus works for us and when he doesn’t do what we want him to do, it’s tempting to put our relationship with him on the back burner or walk away from Jesus altogether.
Verse 29-30 Funny enough, even though they mobbed Jesus and wanted to throw him off the cliff, Jesus squeezed right out of the crowd. Maybe that was his miracle at the moment. ☺️ His great escape. They were so caught up in their madness and anger that they missed him. Good lesson in life. Be careful when we get so angry and we’re caught up in our emotions. We just might miss Jesus right there.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word and for giving us access to it. Thank you for your grace and for offering this to those who believe. Thank you that the prophecies about the Messiah coming are all now history. Thank you for this life I share with You, Jesus. Thank you for your presence in my life through Your Word, in my family and friends, in my church and spiritual family. Help my unbelief, Holy Spirit. I don’t want to question who You want to use to share Your goodness and graciousness, Your Word in my life. I’m not looking for proof. I believe. Give me the eyes to see Your Word and Your presence all around me. Give me the ears to hear it. Give me the belief to believe it is You speaking to me, Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.