Not so long ago I found myself in a troubling situation… it feels like a bombshell out of nowhere. A person I cared deeply for betrayed me in such a tragic manner. I do not know what is to come, but the tears I’ve shed tells a testimony in itself. As I cope with my loss through professional counseling in the church, the world’s answer all say the same “run for your life”. But my mind is confused with the contradictions of what the world says and how scripture reads. I’m reminded of a story where God told Hosea to marry a prostitute and keep taking her back after she cheated. God did this to demonstrate how He keeps loving us, even though we commit spiritual adultery by loving the things of the world.
So if we forgive someone after cheating, God an use us to change him/her into a pure vessel. While it may seem like they don’t deserve it, our forgiveness will be a great testimony to God’s love and our own love. Jesus taught that if we forgive, the person will end up loving us more, because they have been forgiven for so much. So forgiving and realizing that God can use it to make us both have a better relationship in the long run is the way I may need to think about it. That’s totally not as easy as it just flowed out of my fingers.If in fact he confesses and walks in true repentance, then I am asked to forgive, reconcile and restore. But I have to see the change to believe it. For now, walking I’m still walking in the shadow of the valley and all I can do is seek God for wisdom on forgiving and reconciling the relationship. His word gives us truth… His spirit will confirm it.
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