Today, my cousin Jesse started whispering and he wrote ‘JES’ when asked his name. He will be moved to a rehab facility tomorrow. (Note: his nurse told me a week ago ‘no way would he ever be a candidate for rehab with a brain stem injury like his’.) My sister also asked him if he remembered me flying in and reading the bible to him as he woke up from his coma-HE DID! I recall as I was singing to him, a nurse said ‘you know, he’s not in there. he can’t hear you.’ And I turned to the doctor and said ‘whether it’s from his physical body on this hospital bed or his spirit hovering above, I believe Jesse knows I’m am here’. What reassurance to hear my cousin confirm it… he was there all along.
This morning I was reading in Acts 3&4 about the lame beggar being healed and I just boldly declare this “if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a crippled man, by what means this man has been healed, let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by him this man is standing before you well.” Acts 4:9-10
My heart is so very touched by every one of you who have prayed and continued praying. I’m so deeply thankful for you. I lift you each up in the name of Jesus and pray your heart receives such compassionate love for your faith. It’s because of your prayers and belief in God’s living word of miracles and healing that my cousin is more than alive today. Praise you Jesus! My Abba, Father… You, my King are deserving of all the praise and glory that comes from this healing we believed in and entrusted you for. We lift you up higher… We point to you.
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