We Win In The End

If you’re a believer, you know the end of this story… we win! Yet some days the battles seem unbearable.

In our minds we know we win, but our actions tell the world we lost the war.

Recently, I completed a week long fast. It was only a few hours before I began to feel the temptation to give in. Wincing at the thought that this was only day one of seven, I attempted to sleep my way through the pain. An hour later, my mind was awake in the same snare gravitating toward surrender.

That night God gave me a vision of day seven. I stood on a hill looking back at the days of fasting. There was immense struggle scattered throughout the hours, but there I was at the end of them all, standing over the time period as a victor.

There was a sword in hand, it had to be the Spirit. A helmet on my head, that was my salvation. The breastplate of righteousness was held securely by a belt of Truth and I was sitting high on a horse above the turmoil and noise below and behind me. I must have made it!

The next morning, my mind was encouraged by this foreshadowing conquest and it boosted incredible confidence in the present day struggle.

Knowledge only gets us so far. We’ve got to visualize the victory in our battles.

Seeing how this vision shifted my focus from the immediate battle pressing down to a spirit of fearlessness and triumph, I wondered how my impending years could also benefit from a clear vision of victory today.

Though we fight against powers and principalities of darkness constantly luring the flesh, peace comes from our identity in Jesus: 1 John 4:4 says, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

No power or principality can take what you refuse to give it!

As days of my fast rolled by, every bit in me looked forward to the end. The gravity pulled at my ‘weakest’ moments, and my wicked heart seemed more like a traitor at times when it tossed in the towel and was willing to submit to the lust of just one bite.

Collapsing to my knees in this weakness, I would close my eyes to the vision of the end. This confidence encouraged my heart, I make it. I make it. It will be okay, I make it. Lifting my shield of faith, I stood in praise that this battle is already overcome.

There is a battle going on in our minds. Our thoughts dictate our actions. We don’t always experience the abundant life God created us for because we allow the enemy to poison our thoughts with defeat, self pity, doubt and shame.

Often when I’m running, I close my eyes to envision the destination. My mind refocuses from the pain in my legs to the desire to finish because victory is now in sight.

Whatever trials you are trudging through today, close your eyes and see yourself standing at the end, victorious! Your identity is secure in Jesus. Whatever you touch will prosper and succeed. That’s how the Creator designed you. Find your strength in the mighty power of Jesus. Remind your heart and mind, I make it. I make it. It will be okay. I make it.

Speak to your storm and let that burden know, I am more than a conqueror! Then give your heart over to praise that Jesus is still on the throne.

Through the tough stuff, be confident that God will never leave you (Deuteronomy 31:6). With Jesus by your side, and the Spirit living inside, you are already more than a conqueror standing above the battles that come your way.

And the great, great news is that we win in the end!