Be Content, The Rain Will Come

Are you looking for a new job because your current 9-5 is unsatisfying? Wanting a bigger house, a new city or major vacation? In search of Mr./Mrs. Wonderful?

WebDry seasons come and go. When the rain is pours, we pray for the weather to lift. When deserts get too dry, we beg for a flood. Our minds dictate constant change as a solution to the problem; a new job, a fresh relationship, sometimes just singleness. We admire bigger, and better, and are in perpetual search for a purpose.

Contentment is the key.

In life, it’s easy to get so focused on our dreams and goals that we tune out everything else. We can get to the point where we’re not going to be happy until we see ‘something’ happen.

If we have to have ‘something’ in order to be happy, our lives are out of balance. When a lack of ‘progress’ with our goals and dreams start to frustrate us, we lose our peace and don’t enjoy life. It’s a clear sign that we’re holding on too tightly.

What’s the solution? Release it. Freedom comes when you turn it over to the only One who can lift it, change it or sustain you through it. The Maker knows your desires and what’s best based on a future you cannot see. Choose to trust Him and His timing.

There is a season for everything. We were not designed to run a race every day of our lives. We need rest. Peace. Rejuvenation.

Many hours I have wasted ‘hunting’ for my blessings and realized it’s unnecessary when I serve an Almighty who lavishly gives on time, many times without explanation.

Being content for me means, even while my heart desires a husband and children, I will remain content with being single until God brings my Boaz.

Though my workplace denied a raise, I will continue giving my best and stay with the company.

While my home feels too small and the car leaks coolant and lacks air conditioning, I shall remain content with where God has me until doors open and He pours out His blessing in those areas.

My contentment comes from knowing the rain will come on time.

contentmentBe careful not to confuse contentment with being comfortable. The satisfaction in being content comes from trusting a change is on the way. It’s not necessarily a change in your circumstance. It could be a change in your heart.

Ask Him for a change of heart.

Instead of being bored when work is less demanding, shift the focus of your priorities and put more time into other areas. Health. Family. Professional development. Future plans. Discovering a new purpose. Helping someone else. Volunteering.

Focus on getting close to God. No, getting closer to God.

“…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” -Paul, Philippians 4:11

When we learn to be content whatever the circumstances, it takes away the power of the enemy. It takes away his ability to frustrate us. Not only that, but by our actions, we are showing our faith in God.

When you choose to trust His timing, you can live in peace, be filled with joy, and rest in Him knowing that He has good things in store for your future.

The rain will come and when it does, you won’t regret this time of focusing on other priorities in life and preparing to be the best you. Find freedom in contentment and rest in His everlasting peace.

Father, I trust You. I release frustration over the dreams and desires in my heart because You know what’s best for me. I choose to trust Your timing knowing that You are faithful. I will bless You in all things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

We Win In The End

If you’re a believer, you know the end of this story… we win! Yet some days the battles seem unbearable.

In our minds we know we win, but our actions tell the world we lost the war.

Recently, I completed a week long fast. It was only a few hours before I began to feel the temptation to give in. Wincing at the thought that this was only day one of seven, I attempted to sleep my way through the pain. An hour later, my mind was awake in the same snare gravitating toward surrender.

That night God gave me a vision of day seven. I stood on a hill looking back at the days of fasting. There was immense struggle scattered throughout the hours, but there I was at the end of them all, standing over the time period as a victor.

There was a sword in hand, it had to be the Spirit. A helmet on my head, that was my salvation. The breastplate of righteousness was held securely by a belt of Truth and I was sitting high on a horse above the turmoil and noise below and behind me. I must have made it!

The next morning, my mind was encouraged by this foreshadowing conquest and it boosted incredible confidence in the present day struggle.

Knowledge only gets us so far. We’ve got to visualize the victory in our battles.

Seeing how this vision shifted my focus from the immediate battle pressing down to a spirit of fearlessness and triumph, I wondered how my impending years could also benefit from a clear vision of victory today.

Though we fight against powers and principalities of darkness constantly luring the flesh, peace comes from our identity in Jesus: 1 John 4:4 says, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

No power or principality can take what you refuse to give it!

As days of my fast rolled by, every bit in me looked forward to the end. The gravity pulled at my ‘weakest’ moments, and my wicked heart seemed more like a traitor at times when it tossed in the towel and was willing to submit to the lust of just one bite.

Collapsing to my knees in this weakness, I would close my eyes to the vision of the end. This confidence encouraged my heart, I make it. I make it. It will be okay, I make it. Lifting my shield of faith, I stood in praise that this battle is already overcome.

There is a battle going on in our minds. Our thoughts dictate our actions. We don’t always experience the abundant life God created us for because we allow the enemy to poison our thoughts with defeat, self pity, doubt and shame.

Often when I’m running, I close my eyes to envision the destination. My mind refocuses from the pain in my legs to the desire to finish because victory is now in sight.

Whatever trials you are trudging through today, close your eyes and see yourself standing at the end, victorious! Your identity is secure in Jesus. Whatever you touch will prosper and succeed. That’s how the Creator designed you. Find your strength in the mighty power of Jesus. Remind your heart and mind, I make it. I make it. It will be okay. I make it.

Speak to your storm and let that burden know, I am more than a conqueror! Then give your heart over to praise that Jesus is still on the throne.

Through the tough stuff, be confident that God will never leave you (Deuteronomy 31:6). With Jesus by your side, and the Spirit living inside, you are already more than a conqueror standing above the battles that come your way.

And the great, great news is that we win in the end!

The Oasis

It’s a place few like to visit, but the medical center has become a haven for my heart in the last few weeks, allowing me to walk out my faith in an area most steer clear of.

For 8 months now, I’ve been visiting this place quite often. When it’s time to leave, I lean over the balcony rails and take in a deep breath over the towering palm trees as I close my eyes and listen to the cascading waters in the background pretending this is vacation. The beauty is worth marveling over.

A few weeks ago, the Spirit prompted me to venture from the usual exit after my appointment and curiously wander through the indoor landscaping. There was a patient registration desk, medical imaging, nooks of cafe tables and benches spread out through the gardens. The aroma of fresh coffee brewing lured me to a small setup sharing the corner in this jungle.

The menu was complete with pastries and drinks. “They call this place ‘The Oasis’,” said a IMG_20140806_093919man behind the counter. “You must be the owner,” I replied. “Yes, I’ve been here 13 years in May and I know more people in this building I think than anyone else employed,” he chuckled from around his espresso machine. “Well, I’m Trisha. I think I’ll be hanging out here quite a bit,” I noted with a grin. “I’m Dave. Nice to meet you. Now what can I get you pretty little lady,” he said with a smile. I ordered a cup from my new friend and sat down to take in the scene. Thoughts were running through my mind concluding this must be where a lot of hurting people escape for some serenity or a meal during visits. Some may be alone, many could probably use a listening ear.

A man walked nearby. He was trimming the leaves so I extended a hello. We began to chat about Glen’s landscaping work and eventually his life that brought him to Nashville, from Florida and originally New York. At one point, I asked permission to pray for Glen’s family and some of his worries; it was obvious he wasn’t a believer. He allowed me to anyway and dished out names to mention in my prayers. Then his phone rang. It was Taylor Swift’s ‘people’. Glen is in charge of landscaping inside the superstar’s condo.

Vowing to God that I’d be back on my lunch breaks, this journey has been fascinating. It’s been a privilege listening to stories from all walks of life. Leslie is surrounded by cancer. Her husband died 5 years ago to the disease, her son died of it, her new boyfriend now had it, and her best friend has been struggling with it. Leslie herself has multiple sclerosis and shingles.

IMG_20140806_093926Today, Hank, 92, had some tests done on his health. He’s a World War II vet, Prisoner of War, wounded in the Battle of the Bulls, and sat on a bench behind me with his son. Upon seeing the palm trees surrounding us, Hank asked his son if he’d ever heard Joel Osteen talk about why a palm tree is suited for the south. In a snippy tone, his son replied, “No.” Hank tried to share more but couldn’t remember the story.

That message had stuck with me too when Joel first shared it, so I waited for the silence to become unbearable and closed my book. “I remember what Joel Osteen said. It’s because palms have many short roots and heavier top soil so they can bend. Oaks have a fewer roots that go deeper, so an oak would snap.”

Hank’s eyes lit up. Over the next 30 minutes, Hank told me about his incredible journey through the war; his capture, burying 51 of his friends in the camp, his escape from a compound and the best tasting vegetable soup he’s never forgotten. Hank’s appointment buzzer lit up. It was his turn to see the doctor. As the two men were walking away, Hank’s son turned to me and said, “Thank you for listening to all that. It’s more than he usually gets.”

Hank is a Christian, and at the very least, I think his son may have received an encounter with the Spirit today.

The harvest is plentiful my friends! All you need is a willing spirit. The return will be much greater than the effort you put in.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37

A Counterfeit To Your Greatness

A few days ago, I received a spoken prophesy warning of counterfeits. This caution sparked an analysis of what deception from the devil looks like.

Counterfeit: made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine.

Satan is a counterfeit of Christ. He tries to mimic the Almighty to deceive. When bad things happen, we blame the devil.

However, here’s the concept of a counterfeit:

as close to,

virtually the same as,

often mistaken for,

the original object.

The only difference between a wannabe and it’s prototype is a small degree.

A slight compromise.

A teeny, tiny, nearly undetectable adjustment.magnifying glass

An imitation resembles the original so well that a test of infrared lights
must be used to detect flaws.

With the eyes, it is impossible to detect some of Satan’s sneaky attempts. With a
magnifying glass, a small alteration looks like a big mistake!

This isn’t a warning to raise skepticism, but rather a reminder of the enemy impersonating an Almighty God.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

Anything under pressure will extract from the core in this process. The heart of a soul emerges under testing.

The good news for believers is the access to a supernatural light that illuminates the hearts of men to expose motives.

The bad news for believers is the absence of alarm for slight settlements to integrity that this access is often overlooked.

prowling lionBe alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

My advice; keep the light on!

By filling up on God’s Word and walking in it, we create an inviting home in the heart for His Spirit to take up residency in.

Studying scripture helps the mind become a better detective to decipher Truth from what Stephen Colbert describes as ‘truthiness’, stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts.

Counterfeit doesn’t necessarily mean bad. Imitation looks more like good.

The enemy is a counterfeit. He mimics an awesome God everyday and gets pretty good at it.

Don’t settle for good when our Creator made you for great!

Greatness is your inheritance.

People Over Plans

It’s only a few days now, and no, I’m still not ready for the ever-important appointments that have been set with some of the largest publishers around the country. My perfectionist, people pleasing personality is not happy about it one bit.

It’s saying, ‘try harder. You still have time. Don’t you dare go there un-prepared. Don’t let these people down by wasting time at the table with one sheet. Your future is hinging upon this.’

I stressed over the content. I strained my eyes at the screen. Then I got on my knees in surrender. ‘I can’t do it, Lord. I don’t know what to write and I can’t create something out of nothing. I give up. I’m not staring at the keys and a blank screen any longer until you tell me what to write.’

My body collapsed from the physical exertion and pressure I put on myself. I let out groans and sobs only the Spirit could understand. And then I began to praise.

Some minutes later, in state of mental exhaustion, I found myself staring at the ceiling in awe of a wonderful God, who created the heavens and earth and all things in it, and then stitched me.

Your plans have become your priority, but what about my people?

My ears perked up, ‘Oh God. I pushed people out and prioritized my plan for these appointments because I thought you opened this door for me?’

I did. And I can close it too. Desire me, seek me, pursue me and I will give you the desires of your heart. I will open doors no man can open. Trust me.

‘I understand. I’m sorry God for making this about me and my wisdom. So now what?’ I asked.

Make the chapters about (Beeeeeeeep. I can’t tell you this or it will ruin the element of surprise when the book is released ;-)). But let’s just say it is brilliant! What else would you expect from the greatest Author ever?

So I wrote down what He said and I let out a sigh of relief from pressure to perform.

There will be no book proposal to hand publishers. And to be honest, I’m not scared. I have seen God create pathways in my life where man has said there is no way. I am confident His work will be done here.

What I did do though is spend the next few days sharing moments over meals, movies and music with friends from all walks in my life.IMG_20140723_062608

I made people my priority over plans.

Ps. Last night, I fired up the oven and whipped up a batch of muffins for a friend in celebration of this new-found freedom.

If the stale, all-purpose baking mix was any indication of the last time I had stepped behind a stove in the name of service, good Lord! I suppose I made up for this shameful admittance by the number of ingredients I included in those gluten free, raspberry, lemon, poppy seed muffins. I only required my friend to try one, so IMG_20140723_063437she could taste the intent of my heart that had been resurrected in the name of love for people over my plans.

Just in case you’re wondering… I whipped up a batch of flourless oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies for her family instead. I couldn’t leave our story on stale muffins. 😉

Guard Your Mind

This place where I am, in my mind, is a very treacherous place. If the enemy were to attack with grandiose measures, you would be able to see the devastation in front of your eyes. But that would not be sneaky at all.

Satan thrives on being clever so that others can draw some conclusion that you must be crazy. He’s a constant drip of nuances that collect and cloud the heart until it becomes too much to bear and we finally explode. “Ah ha!” he says, “I knew you didn’t have the self-control to hold that all in. I knew I could break you.”

At this point, I collapse in a pile of tears, confessing that in fact this prowling lion has me trapped under his pounce. How did I get here? Yesterday, I was focused, studying and in deep worship on the path of God and today I’m in a place of desperation.

Ah, but that kind of praise is exactly what was stirring hell. Satan could not stand it anymore. He’s been waiting in the bush and found an opportunity. I’ve been whispering my praise and declaring God’s truths in a tone suitable for living in a duplex, next door to neighbors who just became new parents.

I dug my heels in and pointed at the devil, ‘you. Me. Outside right now! We will not do this here.’ I grabbed my things for work and drove to a wide open space where no one was around. I started to shout; it got ugly. Not my proudest moment of elegance or grace, but Satan needed reminding of his place, under the grip of my big God.

The devil must have forgotten Jesus defeated death and is on the throne, so with all the grit in me, I boldly gave every reminder that was buried in my heart from scripture.

Then it got personal. The devil asked if one day I’d also shout at my children or husband like this. Satan knows this is a sore spot with me. I come from a family of shouting matches and it’s always been a concern that I too would subject my own family to this kind of behavior.

I felt guilty. For maybe 5 seconds. Then my mind stood up and said, ‘no! Because I wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in this world! I will take you outside at that time too, if ever such a moment should come.’psalm

I keep my eyes always on the LordWith him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. 

ou make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
 Psalm 16:8-11

The enemy shall not get the best of me! My Savior is holding onto this heart, regardless if I can feel His Spirit or not. Everything in me stands on the Rock of Truth, even when the enemy thinks I’m weak.

When the pressure is on, it’s time to press into God a little more. I turned my worship music up a little louder. My knees got a little lower. I cried out in praise to God a little longer.

I’m giving you my story of shame and triumph, in hopes that you’ll be encouraged that we’re all in this together.

We stand in this battle together.

Guard your mind! Know the Truth.

I am…

There is so much power in these two words, ‘I am’. And what comes after those words makes a huge difference!

The ‘I am’ in your mind, determines the ‘I am’ in your life. 

God can create someone wonderful in you, but if you don’t believe it and start speaking it, your feet won’t start walking in it.

Walking out of the sanctuary after church on Sunday, I ran into two friends. Both of them are successful musicians. It’s Nashville, most people in this city are famous for something. My two friends asked how I had been doing.

I was honest about the sadness in my heart. The enemy has been persistent in pummeling in all parts of my life. My day job is piling up projects (Thank you Lord for a job!). And on the side, I’m struggling to perfect a book proposal for agents and publishers, with less than two weeks before the pitch. This could change my life… No pressure.

One of my friends looked at me and said, ‘your day job is what pays the bills, but that’s not who you are. You are a writer. You spend your mornings and nights writing, that’s what writers do.’ He learned this from his friend Bill Conti (I’m a bit of a buff at film scores, enough to know Bill did the Rocky movies. When my friend said Bill Conti, I was all ears!).

I realized in this moment, yes, I am a writer! I write most days and when I’m not, I’m heart on papersearching the deeper parts of my heart to prepare for the next time I do. No publisher or agent can take that away from me, even if my project doesn’t get the support I want.

I love how Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). His life was already determined for greatness, just like ours. And here He’s claiming it! I am the way…

These words are powerful!

I couldn’t get home fast enough on Sunday to update my online profiles.

Where do you work? Writer, at and I’m working on my first book.

I recognize I am so many other things as well, but just wrapping my mind around this truth has taken the pressure off my proposal project. As the minutes tick-tocked their way to sundown, I spent the rest of the Sabbath basking in God’s presence.

So who does God say you are? If you don’t know what God has created you to do, pray for Him to reveal that. Let me know you’re praying and I’ll pray with you… there is power in prayer when we petition in numbers!

If you do know what that is, I would encourage you to see yourself in it already. Take those small steps and claim victory in it! Just because you haven’t reached your end goal, doesn’t mean you haven’t already achieved the title. Starting is half the battle.

Maybe you’re hesitant to tell others about this dream. Maybe you hear the enemy criticizing your confidence saying, ‘you can’t’.

Well, my friend, remember the enemy doesn’t come after anyone who’s not a threat. If you hear his fear trying to make you too small or your dream too big, chances are you may be close to claiming it! Soldier on! I am…

Living With Certainty

Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census of the people of Israel. So David said to Joab and the commanders of the army, “Take a census of all the people of Israel—from Beersheba in the south to Dan in the north—and bring me a report so I may know how many there are.” God was very displeased with the census, and he punished Israel for it. Then David said to God, “I have sinned greatly by taking this census. Please forgive my guilt for doing this foolish thing.” 1 Chronicles 21:1-2, 7-8 NLT

I sat stumped with questions after reading this verse this morning in my quiet time. Why did David take this census? Fear? Pride? David defeated a giant already, did He not trust the Almighty would have his back in this fight too?

In 2 Samuel it says God allowed Satan to tempt David with this census.

I think David immediately wanted to assess his military strength. Sounds wise but this suggests David is more concerned in his own capabilities than God’s power.

Where is this man’s confidence? Of all people, wouldn’t we think Donatello's David Renaissance statue in Florence ItalyDavid’s reliance on God would be so concrete after his epic victory over ‘the’ giant?

I think this shows no matter how many battles God goes to bat for us, and no matter how huge these victories are, we continually forget how powerful our God really is.

We have not grasped the fullness of faith in our Conqueror, when we walk in a world that measures success by the size of it’s competition.

I feel this way in the midst of difficulties; I am tempted to doubt. I too ‘take a census’ to size up the giant I’m up against.

In the pay raise I don’t get but undoubtedly deserve; I’m tempted to measure my success in dollars saved to the company and present a new argument to the committee.

In the stillness of being alone; I’m tempted to gripe about the misery and depression (which I believe I’ve already done here).

In the looming deadline of a dream project that I’m trying to find time, and inspiration for; I’m tempted to blow off every interaction with friends and family to force the free spirit.

But, when I give into the temptation, it makes me worry even more.

So I’ll go first, starting today, with certainty in the power of Christ instead of a ‘census’.

It’s time to throw off the enemy’s temptation to doubt and rest on the Truth of God’s Word. And if I do need reassurance in God’s hand of favor, I’ll just look back at all the Goliaths my Mighty Warrior has helped me defeat!

Are you living with certainty or still taking a census every time you come up against a battle?

Reconcile Every Relationship

One of my dearest friends today is my ex-husband.

I don’t have words to describe the pain I’ve felt in the awareness of my faults that led to our separation but I can tell you what Jesus asked me to do next.

“So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24

Reconciliation doesn’t mean you rush into the room, yell, “I’m sorry!” and run away… it means a relationship.

I took responsibility for ripping us apart and acknowledged the pain I put him in. I asked for forgiveness in hopes that his hurting heart could begin to heal.

He and I don’t have children together. We don’t work together nor do we live in the same town. BUT, reconciliation means every relationship!

As believers, we don’t realize how much the enemy plays a part in setting up roadblocks to reconciliation, in hopes that we will continue living a life of excuses, instead of one that radiates love and forgives everyone, as He forgave us.

What does this look like for you? Who do you need to seek out and help in the healing process? Not because you have to, but because God wants you to. Where does your heart need to reconcile?

Father God, you see our hearts and know the truths we’ve been hiding from. Those we’ve been running from. Reveal the relationships that need reconciling in our lives. Soften our spirit to accept what you’ve asked us to do. Give us strength to walk through the pain and accept responsibility with no more excuses. I ask this in the name of love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


How Big Is Your Brave?

Lately, something has been bothering me about blogging and other online messages I put out there. It’s usually after a solution to the story surfaces. I don’t talk much about climatic conflicts while I’m swimming with the sharks. I want to be safely on shore looking back in reflection of warfare.

I call it ‘protecting my privacy’ but personally, I have a problem sharing some stories that don’t have resolve, yet. I like to have the answers!

I think a lot of people are like this because as soon as a problem presents itself, the ‘fixers’ get happy to help and come back with an abundance of advice. They want an ending to the story too.

Sometimes we don’t need a plea bargain to a problem as much as we need patience to wait uncomfortably on God.

If He can part the Red Sea, flood the earth, rescue His people from Egypt, turn water into wine, raise men from the dead, and revive a field of dry bones, then He can certainly handle our headaches. I am confident that His hand is not too short to save.

The reality is that growth requires us to remain in challenging, troubling, sometimes burdensome places for lengths of time.

I can stir Him with my prayers, but it’s His power that matters most. And if nothing changes at all and the darkness closes in, I am convinced He is still in control with purposes far greater and more wonderful than I can know and understand. Whether or not I see the effects of prayer, God is God and I trust Him for an ending.

braverySo I’ve decided to get a little braver with my biography and begin blogging about wrestling matches rather than only the resolutions. And I promise to work on being open to your opinions 🙂

So how big is your brave? What are you holding back?