Are you looking for a new job because your current 9-5 is unsatisfying? Wanting a bigger house, a new city or major vacation? In search of Mr./Mrs. Wonderful?
Dry seasons come and go. When the rain is pours, we pray for the weather to lift. When deserts get too dry, we beg for a flood. Our minds dictate constant change as a solution to the problem; a new job, a fresh relationship, sometimes just singleness. We admire bigger, and better, and are in perpetual search for a purpose.
Contentment is the key.
In life, it’s easy to get so focused on our dreams and goals that we tune out everything else. We can get to the point where we’re not going to be happy until we see ‘something’ happen.
If we have to have ‘something’ in order to be happy, our lives are out of balance. When a lack of ‘progress’ with our goals and dreams start to frustrate us, we lose our peace and don’t enjoy life. It’s a clear sign that we’re holding on too tightly.
What’s the solution? Release it. Freedom comes when you turn it over to the only One who can lift it, change it or sustain you through it. The Maker knows your desires and what’s best based on a future you cannot see. Choose to trust Him and His timing.
There is a season for everything. We were not designed to run a race every day of our lives. We need rest. Peace. Rejuvenation.
Many hours I have wasted ‘hunting’ for my blessings and realized it’s unnecessary when I serve an Almighty who lavishly gives on time, many times without explanation.
Being content for me means, even while my heart desires a husband and children, I will remain content with being single until God brings my Boaz.
Though my workplace denied a raise, I will continue giving my best and stay with the company.
While my home feels too small and the car leaks coolant and lacks air conditioning, I shall remain content with where God has me until doors open and He pours out His blessing in those areas.
My contentment comes from knowing the rain will come on time.
Be careful not to confuse contentment with being comfortable. The satisfaction in being content comes from trusting a change is on the way. It’s not necessarily a change in your circumstance. It could be a change in your heart.
Ask Him for a change of heart.
Instead of being bored when work is less demanding, shift the focus of your priorities and put more time into other areas. Health. Family. Professional development. Future plans. Discovering a new purpose. Helping someone else. Volunteering.
Focus on getting close to God. No, getting closer to God.
“…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” -Paul, Philippians 4:11
When we learn to be content whatever the circumstances, it takes away the power of the enemy. It takes away his ability to frustrate us. Not only that, but by our actions, we are showing our faith in God.
When you choose to trust His timing, you can live in peace, be filled with joy, and rest in Him knowing that He has good things in store for your future.
The rain will come and when it does, you won’t regret this time of focusing on other priorities in life and preparing to be the best you. Find freedom in contentment and rest in His everlasting peace.
Father, I trust You. I release frustration over the dreams and desires in my heart because You know what’s best for me. I choose to trust Your timing knowing that You are faithful. I will bless You in all things in Jesus’ name. Amen.