Don’t Get Comfortable

Want to know where your time went? Examine your focus. From your focus comes the overflow of a soul.

Society has taken a celebration of the birth of Christ and made this joyful event an overwhelming season. Stores flash more signs and sales, while bank accounts dress in red during this time of year.

We become stretched for time with longer lists; parties, presents, people to see, place to go. Distracted from the root reason for all the ribbons and lights, our heart begins to harden. Our spirit craves being still but lacks the self-control to say ‘no’.

This isn’t an ‘us’ against ‘them’ phenomenon. We’ve contributed to the chaos over the years and now here we are wanting to step out.

J. Krishnamurti,, healthy soul, don't adjust to society, sick society, Christmas rush, overwhelmed at Christmas

The Gift You Long For

Everything seems urgent at this time of year and expectations tell us all the going and doing is very important.

The calendar controls our time but we’re so overwhelmed to even realize this pressure is the pulse driving whether we keep up or stay ahead. ‘Rush’ repurposes peace into a chaotic Christmas story we tell around the tree through short tempers and careless thinking.

It’s a time to celebrate, but walking into a worship service even reminds me of work; people I haven’t had a breath to get back to. It’s been so long since our schedules have seen some blank spaces that plotting out this dreamy word peace feels like a burden.

We’re being robbed, my friend. The onslought of life’s pressures have started to dominate and define us.

Some of it isn’t even bad. We might be wrapped up in so many seemingly good things, like our jobs, the church, charities yet at the end of the day we still don’t have our peace and quiet.

It feels like we’re slaves here.

Enter Exodus. The second book in the bible. The Israelites were bossed around by taskmasters all day and night. They were slaves to the demands and saying ‘no’ wasn’t an option.

It’s as if this ancient, living Word just ripped a page out of my daily planner and planted the story near the beginning of the book because the Author knew someone who needed this kind of message didn’t have much time to dig any deeper… should even an hour in the day open up to get this far.

Back to the book, even though God sends Moses to free these people from the physical demands, their minds were stuck in a slave mentality. The Israelites didn’t know what it looked like to stop or pause from work.

slaves to schedules, slaves aren't in charge, slaves have no control, the clock controls slaves, work controls slaves, trishakeehn.comGod has sent a way to relieve us from the tension. We’re just not choosing it. If there’s a cancellation on our calendar, it becomes open season.

The thought of deliberately choosing rest around this time of year feels almost unthinkable – family is flying in or you’re flying out, kids have written out their wish lists, parties are being planned and friends are expecting you to be there – because it all lands on people who still think the way a slave thinks.

The enemy will tell you that sketching out even a half inch margin around this to-do list is impossible. When you decide to permanently mark peace into your plans, the enemy will use friends and family to jab at your choice, compare their life with yours and say that you’re selfish with your time.

Since when did other people determine your worth? Busyness has never been declared a badge of honor in the realms of what matters most. Working more will never earn you favor in the eyes of what’s really important.

So why is it so difficult to press pause on the pressure? Mostly because you’ve been bullied into thinking it’s up to you to protect your reputation. You’ve become motivated by the fear of failure so insecurity has you pushing harder to achieve ‘big’ things and impress other people.

You could be intimidated by the quiet places because it feels less important there, so you pick up the torch of self-reliance to accomplish something. May I suggest it could have something to do with your kids and being obedient to their beck and call?

Slaves don’t control the clock; the work controls them.freedom, standing firm, yoke of slavery, Galatians 5:1, slavery,

If your devoted time with God has been replaced over a period of time, you’ve diminished power in the present because you lost your allegiance to the one thing that’s most important.

Our culture continues to spin this merry-go-round of achievement, production, and results faster and faster, but the answer isn’t to keep up. No, the solution is to step off.

It is for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)

The fear of what others will say or think about your ‘no’ is straight up from the enemy.

If you aren’t claiming your time, someone else will. There is a serious battle for your contentment, your peace, your rest, your health, even your ability to worship attentively. The enemy will use whatever leverage he can get a grasp on take away your freedom and satisfaction in Christ, your trust in God and your availability to move at the invitation of our Author’s perfectly timed will.

We are not here to be slaves to schedules. You don’t need to keep hustling. You’ve already received approval from the only One whose approval really matters. His value IS your value.

your values, who you are, God wants good things for you, trishakeehn.comGod doesn’t want something from you. He wants something for you. Your value is not in what you do but in who you are.

You deserve to live at your best in every area of life so start with focusing prayers on getting free from the pressure.

God will send the Spirit’s power to help you gain control of your day by creating quiet corners that anchor the intersection of chaos and God’s best.

Declare some boundaries based on your devotion to this place of peace and know that everything else will ultimately benefit by your clearer focus.

Surrendering your schedule to rest cultivates a calm spirit so that your words spring from a well filled with joy and love. Your walk will be guided by patience with people, instead strain and stress. Your body will wake up renewed and ready to start again tomorrow.

In your effort to practice more peace this year, you may not have presents for everyone under the tree. More mail may come in than cards going out. Friends might have to wait until January to see you again.

Sometimes it’s not what you carry in your hands that will have impact with people. It might be what’s in your heart that leaves an impression.

As I type out these final thoughts, the hair stylist is wrapping my hair up in foils because these are the very few silent moments I have left to write. I’ve struggled with being stretched during this season. My faithfulness to rest has been less than honorable.

My hope is to find this place of peace so that I may be fully present with loved ones in the following days. My prayer is to leave the season feeling more satisfied than any pretty paper or package could ever offer.



shine, matthew 5:16, be the light,

You are beautiful. And to be beautiful every day means to be yourself. You are uniquely created in the image of a beautiful artist.

Simply stunning and crafted with an extraordinary soul… Let your light dazzle us today. Keep shining, Beautiful.

(Matthew 5:16) #bethelight

If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. -Eckhart Tolle

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

When the epicenter of love, our beloved Paris, was shaken last week, the core of every heart questioned our own security. We were brushed with the brevity of life, sharing with neighbors we’ve never noticed.

Still trying to understand the reality breaking into regular scheduled Friday nights, we switched between broadcasts and social media. Those who escaped went ‘live’ on webcams sharing their story. Hearing the horror from the mouths of our Parisian friends brought us to the streets of accepting that the City of Lights is a little smaller now.

Many of us haven’t stopped tuning in since. We want to know, ‘where do we go from here.’ Last night, I needed a break from the questions. Switching over to NBC’s singing Great is Thy Faithfulness, Jordan Smith, Lamentations 3:21-23, faithfulness of Godcompetition ‘The Voice’, I carried on through the house cleaning up a days mess while cooking dinner and listening from afar.

The rice had just finished steaming as the timer told me chicken in the oven was also done. Setting dinner to the side to cool, contestant Jordan Smith started to share about his journey through singing, being different and sharing his gift on the show. He summed up his song choice, ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’, with this statement:

“This is about the faithfulness of God. None of this would be possible in your own strength. God is going to provide because He is faithful. God says, ‘I’m going to do everything for you. All you have to do is wake up every morning and be who you are.'”

I wasn’t looking for an answer tonight, but God held His hand out and provided one anyway. There is hope because He is one faithful God.

Courage could be being present

This past week, I wrapped up a CASA case on eight of nine kids I’ve celebrated holidays and shared a shoulder with. It was an assignment the court passed down more than a year ago.

What began as one abused child, DCS investigations revealed was more of a family ordeal.

Would you be willing to accept all nine? The Judge wanted to know. Do you have the volunteer time?

How can one deliberate over what we can do, when the need is right there staring back at you? These little ones ranged in age, from 15 to two and their curious little minds wanted to know, ‘would you leave us too’?

The children had been whisked away from school in these wrinkled up clothes and tattered shoes. No one could question if neglect was happening; these allegations appeared uncomfortably true.

bravery, courage is being present, be availableI caught a glimpse of the eighteen little eyes, peanut butter smeared on their chins. My heart couldn’t say ‘no’, instead I asked, ‘where do we begin’?

This is a proud moment, indeed, and yet I also struggle with questions of my own neglect to the neighbors around me. Sometimes it’s easier to serve ‘there’ instead of right ‘here’. It’s more fun to fly away or be where my friends are, than it is to stare out of the window-framed picture on my wall and see a neighborhood in need. I have more questions than answers, like ‘where in the world begin’?

And then I sit with the steam coming off my coffee cup and peer into the sweet soul of such kind hearts. Sometimes they remain more comfortable staying at the surface of their story when the moment is still too tender to unearth the truth. And that’s okay, as long as I am present to hear the beginning and see the end.

Sometimes we fail to serve ‘here’ because we want to be ‘there’. Yet, if you truly believe the Almighty God put your hands and heart ‘here’, on the block you call home, in your cubicle where most of a day is spent, and with this specific circle of friends for His glory to be revealed, then you have no use looking over ‘there’. That’s what I’m learning.

Don’t Open The Door

The Dream

Under the covers, there I was sleeping peacefully when a knock came at the door. One knock turned into incessant knocking. With pillows now smooshing my face into the sheets, it was evident I had been turning over in an attempt to sleep off the obnoxious noise.

But now the neighborly knocks shifted into disturbing shouts. A husky voice behind the door hollered, “Open up this door. Let me in, now”.

Half asleep, my mind was drawing a half circle conclusion that the urgency behind this voice wasn’t because someone was in need of help.

My mind was at rest. Reaching for the phone on my nightstand, the only plan I had was to type out a text to a friend about how annoying this was.

The fist behind fast knocking flipped into aggressive pounding.

This doesn’t seem right, I thought. If there’s so much strength trying to scare me from behind that door, then why don’t they just break a window or shoot the lock open and enter the place? Weird.

The pounding now echoing through stillness of my house, I sat up. There was no panic in my mind; only peace. And yet, I felt it would be wise to climb into the closet and call someone. So I moseyed out of bed and dialed 9-1-1.

The Door (in the dream)

It’s been months since that morning I woke up with that image of a door and the devil in my dream.

don't open the door, the devil is knocking,Why not just break a window, I thought.

The Lord said, he can’t come inside unless you open that door.

The devil can’t break into your ‘house’, your temple, your mind, unless you invite him in. With all the tools in his toolbox, and every huff and puff of terror building up on the outside, the devil can’t pry open the door.

It is impossible.

Sure, he may stir up some fear, but the enemy can’t crack even the weakest walls when it’s built with a strong foundation.

“The Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you.” (Deuteronomy 1:30) That’s His promise to you. Let the Lord do your heavy lifting. How? By calling out to Jesus. I find that I need to physically get into a position of surrender on my knees to tap into the power of peace.

When you open the door and let peace out, you let confusion in.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10).doors, the devil comes knocking, the Lord comes knocking, door of opportunity

Satan is standing outside your door, and he’s knocking to come in.

The doors are different for each of us. What does yours look like?

Mine is anxiety… dwelling on concerns, worries and self-imposed deadlines. Yours might be depression. It could be distractions. Maybe the door is an ‘opportunity’ you shouldn’t draw near to.

The enemy is a prince of persuasion. In his hand are some empty promises, wrapped up as a few of your weaknesses; alcohol, romantic relationships, money, your own influence with people.

The devil’s knock may be under the disguise of helping you when you’re down. He needs you to open the door and let him into your life in order to destroy you.

“These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” (Revelation 3:7)

God is Peace. God is your Peace.

Peace is evidence of the presence of God and it’s for your benefit to pursue peace in all areas of your life, even when the noise at your door gets louder.

Revelation 3:7, what he shuts no one can open, what he opens no one can shut, the who holds the key of DavidPeace is not determined by your circumstances. Peace is the presence of God. It is present to guard your heart and mind.

And I want you to know, when the enemy comes in the night to stir up your peace, grace is laced in the blood of Christ dripping from your doorpost as the angel of death grips the knob.

One last note. If you haven’t asked Jesus to be the Peace in your life, it may be His voice calling out to you on the other side of that door.

In Revelation, Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

So how do you know the difference? Pray. When you call out to Him in prayer, in Jesus’ name, He comes like a mighty rushing wind into your heart. He may be the one at the door asking you to open up to Him.

Let Peace inside and it will never leave you.

Pleasure Isn’t Worth Regret

As we near the end of the year, I’m exploring old adventures, sharing some smiles and shedding a few tears that I’ve written in these journals throughout 2015. There’s no label I can slap on the cover of this one, but I’m looking for lessons to learn as I head into the next.
There were a few mountaintop experiences, but one recurring valley and it dug it’s ugly head into different areas of my life; relationships, food, sleep. choices to stay out longer and be up later instead of resting. it was fun to do, but I never felt great afterward.
In the middle of sifting through warped pages, the takeaway was boldly obvious: A moment of pleasure isn’t worth a day of regret. This is a good filter for my decisions in the future, I thoughtregret, pleasure, no regret,
Living a life that seeks pleasure over wisdom isn’t worth any kind of regret. It drains the capacity to be our best.
Later in the day I read, ‘psychologists say a sign of good mental health is the ability to delay gratification.’
Without stepping into the next invitation of momentary pleasure, how can we prepare now? I made a list of what my best life looks like. Now it’s up to me to guard this with my choices.
For me, having a peaceful moment with God is crucial for me to lead a life of love and grace. Scheduling this at the first part of my day before the world wakes (and wants to take that time away) is important. My day has this 5 a.m. foundation. And in order to wake up and feel refreshed, alert and ready to listen at this hour, my body tells me I must get eight to nine hours of rest. So I shut the lights off at 8 p.m. and I let the Lord wake me when He’s ready.
The best life for me also includes physical exercise. Whether that’s a decent 5-mile walk in the park or inside the gym lifting weights. My muscles and joints just don’t feel their best without it. Sunday night I look at the calendar for the week and block out my time to workout each day of the week.
Nutrition helps my body have the energy to keep up with the calendar. Since I have little self control when it comes to portions or saying ‘no’, it’s important for me to assemble every meal ahead of time, starting Sunday night. The crockpot makes this easier. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week are waiting in line on the shelves of my fridge so I can ‘grab and go’ and I don’t have to second guess if it’s well-balanced.

I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1 (NIV)


The bible reminds us that this body we live in houses the holy spirit and it was bought for a price. It’s not meant for the physical and mental damage that comes with sexual immorality or gluttony. Taking care of the body we’ve been given demonstrates respect for what God created.


There are other parts to life that make us our best, like having community and conversations and quality time face to face with friends, but those come after this responsibility to our personal health. We are not much good to a group if we can’t protect our personal best. These three areas, rest, exercise and nutrition are a starting place.

What does being your best look like for you?


Pick Your Place and Start Running

The evening news called it one of Broadway’s hottest performances, drawing in the President of the United States and cabinet members even, and it’s being hailed as a theatrical “game-changer”. “Hamilton” is a hip-hop, rapping musical about the life and times of founding father Alexander Hamilton. It took 35-year old playwright, Lin-Manuel Miranda, six years to produce the performance, including the music compositions, and taking on the title character.

pick a path, pick a dream, there's room at the tableLast night, I listened to the young producer share the pivotal moment to his current success. It was when he was accepted into a school for the gifted; he was a very bright child.

“Everyone was smarter than me. And I’m not blowin’ smoke. I was surrounded by genius, genius kids. What’s interesting about growing up in a culture like that is you go, ‘All right, I gotta figure out what my thing is. Because I’m not smarter than these kids. I’m not funnier than half of them, so I better figure out what it is I wanna do and work really hard at that.’ And because intellectually I’m treading water to be here… I picked a lane and I started running ahead of everybody else. That’s the honest answer. I was like, “All right, THIS.”

“This” was theater. He was in practically every school play from then on.

I silenced the television. That’s a powerful story. Letting those words ruminate in my mind, I picked up a book quoting Dr. Seuss’s “A Zoad In The Road”.

Did I ever tell you about the young Zoad 
Who came to two sides in the fork in the road?
He looked one way then the other way, too.
So the Zoad had to make up his mind what to do.
Well the Zoad scratched his head, his chin, and his pants,
And he said to himself, ‘Now, I’ll be taking a chance.
If I go to place one, that place may be hot.
So how will I know if I like it or not?
On the other hand though, I’ll feel such a fool,
If I go to place two and find it’s too cool.
In that case I may catch a chill and turn blue.
So place one may be best and not place two.
On the other hand though, if place one is too high,
I might get a terrible earache and die.
On the other hand though, if place two is too low,
I might get some terrible pain in my toe.
So place one may be the best,’ and he started to go.
And he stopped and he said, ‘On the other hand though. . .
On the other hand, other hand, other hand though, and. . .
For thirty-six hours and one half that Zoad made starts and made stops
At the fork in the road, saying ‘No, don’t take a chance, you may not be right.’
Then he got an idea that was wonderfully bright.
‘Play safe,’ cried the Zoad, ‘I’m no dunce.
I’ll simply start off to both places at once.’
And that’s how the Zoad who would not take a chance
Got no place at all with the split in his pants.

This poem represents the inability to commit to a solitary direction in life… and faith.

Maybe you’re at a fork in the road right now. Does it seem like everyone around you is smarter, richer, funnier, faster and more of everything that you are not? If your social media feed is anything like mine, it’s filled with dream chasers standing on the platform of their vision and sharing it all over the world.

Well, I’m encouraging you to pick a place. Choose a path that you can be good at. There’s room at the table for one more.

Are you a writer? What’s the one thing you can share with others from your own experience? Your story and perspective will come from the seasoning of life that is exclusive to you. No one else can come to the banquet with the kind of salt from your upbringing that you have.pick a place, dreamer, dream big, start walking, Godly wisdom, worldly wisdom, The Zoad, Dr. Seuss

Are you crafty? Your creative spirit can conceive and combine ideas that others cannot. You see the breakdown of steps on how to achieve a work of art. We need you at the table.

Are you all about the details? Surely your spreadsheets stand out amongst the crowd in color-coded charting and make a statement in the board room. Creative minds need your analytical brain to put these ideas on paper in a way the rest of us can understand it.

If you attempt to mix the world’s wisdom with Godly wisdom, well, this is when you end up going no place at all.

God has given you a direction and path that he wants you to follow. He may not have revealed each and every step to you at this very moment. And that’s okay. My advice is to just continue walking until He reveals the next one.

What does God’s path look like? It’s living a life that steps into faith when the details are fuzzy.

When you can’t see the end destination, and trust His lead into the next step, that is the surest way to reach your final destination.