This next portion we had in Matthew 6:25-33. Let’s accept the reminder; worry is too natural to do.
Verses 22-26 After Jesus warns his followers about the dangers of greed and abundance. He explains how ridiculous it is to fret about not having our needs met. Life is more than that.
Worrying is useless because it cannot change our circumstances. It’s stress on the inside but changes nothing on the outside. Concern cannot add or subtract time. Why dwell on possibilities that may never occur? The more we worry, the weaker our faith. Bothered and nervous unbelievers do not know Jehovah Jireh (God, Our Provider). They have nobody but themselves to hope in. Trusting in Jesus frees us from self-preservation. We cast all our cares on God.
Look At The Birds
Verses 27-30 The birds of the air and the flowers in the field don’t worry and yet God provides for them. Jesus informs his disciples that they are more valuable than the birds and flowers. This truth gives us reassurance God will care for us.
One privilege of being a follower of Jesus is not worrying. If we are not walking in the full benefits as a believer and instead fret over our circumstances, then we are shortchanging God… and us. As a believer, we have full access to God and live independently of worry when we give Him the throne of our hearts and above our situation.
Being a believer means we will need to stand guard over our hearts because the devil is sneaky. He uses small deceptions like a little worry to get us to lose our God-given privileges. When we’re wrapped up in worry, we’re not praising God. The devil, our tormenter, wants fear to overwhelm our thoughts and steal time.
If we struggle with uncertainty, we should keep these scriptures handy. Post these scriptures wherever you worry most. Worry cannot grant a single wish. It cannot add to or alter our days. Our worry produces no fruit and proves itself foolish every time. Unbelievers burden themselves with anxious concerns because they do not have God to turn to and trust.
God’s Supply Is Overflowing
Wisdom helps us accept what is and make the best of it. It helps us remain steady with our attitude and approach to situations. God’s provision is sure and gives us confidence. Worry will only make us weary. It will have us bouncing between hope and fear and continually living in suspense. We can ask God with no doubt that he will help us.
Our Father knows what we need and he supplies it according to his riches in glory. As our Creator, he crafted us with needs and has the compassion to provide. He maintains and sustains us, meeting all our needs for good things.
Whatever we spend most of our time thinking of is ultimately our god.
Do we devote more time to thanking God, praising Him, sitting with Jesus, and releasing all our concerns? Or do we hold on to the worry and let it consume us? Do we lie awake playing out the possibilities in our minds, reasoning and trying to understand them, coming up with plans, and jotting down to-do lists of solutions? Maybe we even let this stew into anger for others involved in the situation. Fear does this to us. We use our worries and plans to avoid any idea of evil out there.
Seek First The Kingdom
Verses 31-32 As believers, there are better things to pursue and think about. Jesus reminds us to seek first the kingdom. Put our minds and care on the work He has given us to do. Divert our thoughts from the worries of this world to the commission/calling God has given us. We should be concerned about the condition of our souls and take care of our hearts, trusting God with all other affairs. He is our Protector, Defender, our Provider, our confidence. When we place Jesus’ word first in every predicament, we can expect His perfect Will to be done.
We can only experience contentment walking with Jesus.
“Little flock” is Jesus’ followers, the Church. We are sheep and He is our Shepherd, guiding us through life. Small in numbers compared to the rest of the world, we are safe under our Shepherd’s protection.
It is our Father’s good pleasure to give us His kingdom, which is found in Jesus. Jesus is a crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4), a throne of power (Revelation 3:21), and unsearchable riches far exceeding the treasures in this world. It was good for Him to fill His sovereign kingdom with free grace. Our hope for the kingdom should silence any fear of trouble because evil cannot take away our inheritance.
How To Rest Easy
Verses 33-34 If we have taken care of our souls, then we can rest easy no matter what happens. Jesus advises his apostles to sell materials that hold them back, walk away from hindrances, and give up what is more than enough. Divest themselves of materials and relationships in this life that prohibit the pursuit of Jesus and heaven’s priorities. We should have this eternal focus and expectation in all we do to pursue spiritual treasures above physical ones.
Are we concerned about the amount of grace woven into our souls and the good works that follow us? These are the things that last. God will not forget these. These are treasures in heaven that enrich us. They never run dry or decay. We receive grace from Jesus and can continually pour out that grace without ever reaching the bottom. It is in heaven, out of reach of our enemies, so we can never lose it. We should keep our eyes on heaven and put our hope in it.
The heart will follow whatever it treasures. So wherever you want your heart to be, put your treasure there and your heart will follow it.
Jesus, you are greater than my biggest fear. You are greater than my greatest treasure. Your treasures never run dry. My God will provide. I’ve got Jehovah Jireh on my side. He feeds the birds and the flowers and they do not worry. I have more value than God’s creation. God numbers the hairs on my head and is watching over me, keeping count of it all. My Father never blinks. He sees it all. God saw my need before I ever thought to ask for His provision. My Creator reached down from heaven to put the breath in my lungs today. If I can trust Him to breathe life in me, I can trust Him with this. He loves me more than I can imagine. It brings my God joy to provide for me. I will praise Him for the promise of His provision already on its way down from heaven. He’s putting all the pieces in place for me now. I refuse to let worry rule my life, rob me of my days, and steal my joy. I release the worry because I trust you more, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.