Verse 37 Coming down the mountain there is a huge crowd waiting for Jesus. You can feel the excitement and momentum that is building around this man. Really think about this. These are people who had seen Jesus’ work. His teachings and miracles were incredible. People marveled. They waited for him. When Jesus went up the mountain to pray, they waited for him at the base of that mountain. Today, we have Jesus here with us on the move performing miracles and filling us with teachings too. Does it drive us like it drove these crowds? Are we following after Jesus with this kind of excitement to be wherever He is? Do we wait on Jesus like this? “I won’t move unless You go, Jesus. I want to be wherever You are.”
Verses 38-41 A father comes through the crowd and begs Jesus to heal his demon-possessed son. The son was being tortured and hurt by the demon. And though his disciples are empowered to cast out demons, they can’t seem to get rid of this evil spirit. They may not have believed the power that was given to them. Jesus points to and asks the father to bring the son to Him.
Verse 42-43 The demon is putting on a show here by causing the boy to convulse. This is just like the devil. He likes to make a big show and illicit attention with his antics. Jesus simply rebukes the evil spirit and it leaves. And everyone is once again marveling at Jesus’ power.
Verses 44-45 Jesus has something important to say. He tells them to really let this sink in. Don’t disregard what I’m about to say because you can’t figure it out. Use your faith to listen and accept this. It’s so easy to see with our eyes and reason what will come next. Jesus is telling them to throw out all their logical views, opinions, and thoughts about what will happen next. Jesus doesn’t want what is temporarily seen and logically concluded to prevent their hearts from accepting what he’s about to say. He is asking his disciples to be willing to believe this: That though it may seem like nothing can stop Jesus now, his interest in people is growing and He can perform any miracle to deliver people, Jesus reminds his disciples that he will be betrayed and “delivered into the hands of men”, which means he will die. All the miracles and interest he has gained in the hearts of witnesses will not prevent his death.
But the disciples didn’t understand him. Their logic was greater than their faith. How could this Messiah who performs these miracles, takes authority of demons, and raises dead people to life, be subjected to death himself? They were too afraid to ask Jesus about it so they just stayed silent.
Verses 46-48 The disciples are arguing over who is the greatest. They are ambitious for honor and superiority.
Though they tried to keep it from Jesus, He knew their inner thoughts. Our thoughts are words to Jesus. Our whispers are loud cries to Him. We can’t hide our thoughts from Jesus. It’s good to confess our thoughts to Him the moment we have them. Hiding our thoughts from him may prove we still don’t believe in who He actually is, that we still don’t comprehend the power He holds, where He can go, or the fact that He authored us. He is our Creator. He can transcend thought.
Jesus didn’t condemn his disciples for their desire to be great. Instead, He teaches them what true greatness looks like. Here’s another paradox. The world considers greatness based on what they can see on the outside. Meanwhile, they don’t understand that those who expect to be great in this world expose themselves to great temptations and troubles.
Jesus shows that true greatness comes through serving. (Mark 9:35-37) Jesus says we should aim at quiet humility and not this restless, aspiring ambition. This includes caring for those of low social status because they can do nothing for you in return. That’s a true servant. Children are a good example of this. What can our children do for us? This is not to diminish their value. It’s to say that we provide for them, protect them, give to them, and they can offer very little in comparison in return. Welcoming children would be to welcome Jesus. This kind of humility is true greatness.
Prayer: Jesus, we wait for You. We long to be with You. Our hearts are following after You, Your Word, Your coming and going, and in the pauses of prayer. Help our belief. We want to be a believing generation and act in authority over demons and disease with this belief. We believe You. We believe in You. You are the same God who holds the power to perform miracles and resurrect the dead who also lays down his only son’s life for those He loves. You’re the same God who holds the world in His hands and yet doesn’t control us but gives us choice. You see our thoughts, you hear our internal struggles. Father, heal us of the heartache and the pain that reacts with these kinds of thoughts that are not from You. Help me to live from a heart of humility, Jesus. To not look at what I can get in return for my service but to see serving as an opportunity to love and serve You, Jesus.