Verse 13 says several angels now came to praise God like a choir.
Verse 14 We know this portion of scripture from “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” at Christmas time. They are praising God and also recognizing that peace is given to those who submit themselves to Jesus. This peace is a declaration that the hostility between a holy God and sinful man is over through Jesus who brings us peace with God. Only when we have been declared “righteous by faith” can “we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1) Peace among people is only possible when we are living at peace with God and submitting to his authority in our lives. So when you see people who are not at peace with each other, it points to a lack of peace they have in their personal relationship with God.
This verse says “Glory to God in the highest.” All of God’s work is for His glory but the redemption of the world is for God’s glory in the highest! The message of Jesus gives God the greatest glory.
Verse 15 Notice that the shepherds immediately went to Bethlehem. They were not doubting. They heard this message and they were fully believing what the angel said.
Verse 16 Seeing baby Jesus confirmed what the angel said and they started sharing the news. It’s so important that when God shares a word with us and it confirms itself in our life, we should share that with others. That word is God displaying His glory on earth.
Verse 18 I love how Mary was so meek and humble. She didn’t jump up and start telling everybody about what God had done in and through her. She pondered them first and treasured it up in her heart. The NLT says she “kept these things in her heart and thought about them often”. We can stir up our own faith by thinking often about what God has done in our lives.
Verse 20 The shepherds went back to their work and continued glorifying and praising God and telling others all they had seen and heard. We have access to this Word of God. Here’s what the shepherds did with it. We should pray that the freshness and enthusiasm and immediacy of this message would stir up in us this kind of response when reading His Word. Sometimes I read something in scripture and I can’t help but share that with others. I’m sure you have had the same feeling. That’s the kind of enthusiasm I want to live with daily. It’s the kind of enthusiasm we should want. To share God’s message to this dying and broken world. Pray for it if that’s something you want as well.
Verse 21 Here Jesus is submitting to God’s law by being circumcised as a baby. Exodus 13:2, 12 God tells Moses that every firstborn son should be dedicated to the Lord. And in Leviticus 12:6-8 God asks for a sacrifice of a lamb with either turtledoves or pigeons with it at the dedication.
So this is Jesus’ early obedience to what God put in place. Yes, Jesus is fully God in his human body, and yet He still submits to His law as human. Galatians 4:4, 5 notes this passage by saying “But when the fullness of time and come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who are under the law so that we might receive adoption and sons.”
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your Word is marvelous and continues to confirm itself over and over. Thank you for this Word that speaks to my heart and confirms itself in my life. Thank you for this peace we have with You through Jesus. Thank you that this peace we have with You is transparent in our relationships here on earth. Glory to You, God. Glory in the highest for Jesus. I pray for this kind of shepherd’s faith in my own life that I might receive Your Word and believe. And when I see You in my life, Jesus, help me to then share it with everyone around me. I pray for that kind of immediacy with your message in my life, Jesus. Help me to ponder and meditate over Your Word and not worry about the time. You are so amazing, God. Thank You for how you continue to provide for me exactly what I need. Thank you, especially, for this peace that I have with You, God. This peace stays in my heart no matter the circumstance, no matter who crosses my path. In Jesus’ name, Amen.