If you’re new to reading the Bible, this kind of Bible study is just for you. One of the hardest things to do is to get started. It’s even more difficult when you begin reading the bible and it all seems confusing. I thought if we studied the verses together, I might be able to clear up some of the confusion along the way by explaining the key ideas in each chapter. I would recommend using a New Living Translation (NLT) Bible to study from. In my opinion, this is the easiest version to understand. Also, it’s helpful to have a journal (a notebook of any sort works) and a highlighter. You can highlight the verses that you want to remember. In the journal, you can write down your thoughts and prayer over your life. I’ve given you a prayer starter for each of these studies if you need help with praying these scriptures over your life.
Let me give you a little context to make sense of this letter that we are reading. There are two sets of people, the Jews, and Gentiles. In the Old Testament God called the Jews his chosen people. The Jews held ceremonies and sacred washings and sacrifices to honor God. God destined the Jews for His promised land. The Gentiles were everyone else who are not Jews. But in the New Testament Jesus came and died for all. That means Christ saved Jews and Gentiles all the same. Paul speaks to Jews and Gentiles in this church in Ephesus saying neither of you deserved to be chosen by God. Everyone sins and has a need to be saved. Paul shows both groups that the Jews no longer have more of an inheritance than the Gentiles.
To start the study, click the chapters and verses below.