There are times throughout scripture that Jesus tells us about this secret relationship we have with God. He reminds us ‘your Father who sees what is in secret will reward you’. The essence of sacred intimacy is what happens between two in secret.
I’ve been stirring about the swarm around social media recently. Sometimes we start treating our online platforms as a diary instead of a network of public forums. For instance, in our spiritual life, when God is doing a really intense and beautiful work in us, we start telling those things before He’s even made the point and gotten it down deep into our belief system and into the depths of inner transformation. It’s like we start telling the secret before He’s even done the secret work in us. We call ourselves healed while we’re still healing… and then we shut the work down because “we’re done with that, over it”. We move on to the next thing but God never even got to finish the work that He was after. At some point the struggle comes up again and we’re brought back to that place.
It is true we are supposed to share our faith… we have the word of the testimony, but sometimes we need a little time on the other side to see if there’s really been a completion of God’s work, a lasting inner transformation that we can express and share. Developing a sacred secrecy in our relationship with Christ is a special place of safety in His presence… it gives us grace while the good work is still being completed.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.